‎Whoa! Timeline Events Are Gone! | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Tuesday, June 8th, 2021 7:06 AM

Whoa! Timeline Events Are Gone!

I have no Timeline Events logged before Tuesday, June 1, 2021. I attempted to go back to an event on my exterior cameras' hard drive (which I often do) to coincide with a disarming of my system, and everything is now gone. I get a message that says, "There are no more events" on the website and "No Events" in the app. I am hoping this is a glitch in the logs. For years I have gone back to my Timeline as a resource for my surveillance system cameras (and vice versa - my cameras are independent of SimpliSafe).

Is anyone else able to see any events going back further? I indeed relied on the Timeline for such info, so I hope restoration is possible for all users. Had I been away from home on vacation or a business trip, there would be no way to see if anything suspicious occurred (disarming, device triggered, etc.). Neither the website nor the app goes further back than June 1, 2021. Before this, I could go back years in the Timeline.

Accepted Solution

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

4 years ago

Hi Shiherlis,

This would be a side effect of the recent reconfiguring of our Monitoring Plans. We brought a whole host of features to all levels of Monitoring Service, including app controls, push notifications for alarms, and (most relevant to your question) 7 days of Timeline events available through the app and your online account. That is, except for subscribers to Interactive Monitoring, as you get a full year of timeline events.

Though if you're on either the Self-Monitoring Plan or the Standard Plan, and you need info about events beyond the past week, you can still give our Support team a call at 800-548-9508 and they can provide that info for you.

A complete breakdown of plans can be found on our Help Center article here.

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security

740 Messages

Thank you so much for checking your Timelines to verify everyone; I appreciate it very much.

And thank you, Johnny M., for the explanation. I wish SimpliSafe (not you individually) would better communicate these expected changes before they are changing. I was trying to solve this for hours on my own. I am on the Standard Monitoring plan (always have been since the beginning). It has always been perfect for me since, as stated, I utilize my cameras independent of SimpliSafe. It is a bit unfair that the company would limit such a feature to seven days when the only thing added to my plan is remote arm/disarm. I could always change system/device settings under the app. While I was happy to see the options for customers, remote arm/disarm is my only gain, but that is the same as those who decide not to pay for monitoring. The trade value does not add up.

Johnny M., if you would, please add this explanation to the "New Subscription Options" thread so existing users will not be confused (as I was) by events suddenly being gone. And please pass along to SimpliSafe that adding the feature back and not taking it away from customers who have had access to it for years is the right thing to do. I am unsure as to the reason why (perhaps server space?), but my $14.99 always got me those detailed logs/events, and SimpliSafe should not reduce them to a week.

Thank you.

182 Messages

4 years ago

My timeline is working OK.

740 Messages

4 years ago

Thank you for giving insight, ronsec.  Are you able to access your timeline for, say, May 14, 2021? My events are there for 6/1/21 through today; everything prior is gone.

I wonder if this is a bug on my end due to the new subscription options. I highly doubt SimpliSafe would switch to a timeline that now only logs seven days.

182 Messages

@Shiherlis - I sure could!  I even went back to last year.  I tried it both on my Android phone and Ipad.  No problems on either platform. Good luck with getting it sorted out!

1.3K Messages

4 years ago

Did a very quick scan back to 31 Dec 20. Didn't notice any unexpected gaps.



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

Mine is there too, in the Android app.  There was a large internet outage reported this morning, globally, possibly temporarily caused issues for SS too. Close and restart the app?

740 Messages

4 years ago

I just realized how much time I utilized (i.e., lost) to believe it was a problem I could solve. Had SimpliSafe communicated they were reducing Standard Monitoring Plans to 7 days of Timeline Event Logs, I would have done as I have prior and went in and saved all I needed to a text file before deletion. Then I would have done what I will have to do now, save my Event Logs every week - problem solved. I am very meticulous about keeping my log dates - up until 30 days. That is when I go back in 6-7 day increments and review my SimpliSafe logs in detail to see if I missed anything.

That is how I learned of the new limitation. I had two dates from November 2020 and one from February of 2021 I tried to access that were no longer available. It may not seem like a big deal to many people, but I have utilized the logs in the past with law enforcement. So it is verifiable proof, whereas before I had my Deep Sentinel cameras installed, it was just my cameras (which one can edit/manipulate). Sure, I could call into SimpliSafe, but sometimes, I do not know the exact date needed. So having access to that on my own was vital. The idea of upgrading to gain something that SimpliSafe included with what I was paying until yesterday is an odd way of introducing new offerings. I suppose I do not get the rationalization behind the limitation/reduction for Standard Monitoring Plan customers.

Again, not your fault, Johnny. It is just the SimpliSafe way [sometimes]. Sigh.



6.3K Messages

@Shiherlis please note the sarcasm.

If you had checked the Customer Resource Center's Policy Change Notification area you would have seen Simplisafe's two week notice on the new monitoring plans that were going to be implemented and the documented effects it would have on current offerings. Simplisafe has gone to great effort and cost to provide this and many other features in this industry leading area.......

the horse that has been beaten is now on its last legs.....

In reality, Simplisafe's forum, no matter how bad it is, is still way better than many competitor sites that don't even have one (at least that I know of) where customers can post and exchange ideas, comments etc with each other.  Simplisafe, you continue not to leverage and take advantage of one of your most competitive strengths!

740 Messages

4 years ago

That gave me a much-needed chuckle, Captain (thank you). It is why although I am disappointed, I am in no way shocked by the move. At least we now have Johnny to confirm alongside us. However, I also expect not to get that unlimited Timeline Event Log back. If hundreds upon hundreds (perhaps even thousands) of customers have requested features for the entire time we have owned our systems, and they have yet to implement them, I do not stand a chance.

Although I know SimpliSafe will never answer, I am still scratching my head over the odd decision to limit the Standard Plan to a seven-day timeline yet give the $9.99 Self-Monitoring plan unlimited logs. I can see the limitation for an unmonitored account but not for a paid one. If it was previously there, leave it as it was. Addition by subtraction is rarely a good move.

1.3K Messages

4 years ago

The only "plan" that makes everyone happy (except SimpliSafe) is free, unlimited everything, LOL.

Perhaps the longer timeline of the $10 self-monitoring plan is because it includes camera storage. If recall correctly, the SS cam videos don't contain a time/datestamp embedded in the video.

I do sorta agree though, if it was part of a plan you were signed up for a Grandfather clause wouldn't be unreasonable. OTOH, it is a month-by-month agreement. Not like one has a long term contract for any particular services. Double-edge sword.

740 Messages

4 years ago

A summary from the pinned thread that SimpliSafe may have overlooked:


If I request my past logs from SimpliSafe, can the company provide them to me in a particular searchable format? A specific day or week is not enough, as I need all of them. If I upgrade to Interactive Monitoring for the month, will all of my deleted logs be restored, or are those now gone and no longer recoverable?

Thank you in advance for the forthcoming answer.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

4 years ago

Hi Shiherlis,

If you called in, our representatives can just send straight text in an email. Unfortunately they're not able to export into a spreadsheet or similar.

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

@Shiherlis  In 2012 I asked Simplisafe (and years since) to provide the ability to export sensor lists (serial number, name etc) into excel. Nothing done, I highlighted the information on the dashboard, right clicked, copied and then pasted "special" into excel.  The output wasn't perfect but it got some of the manual effort done and processed from there to clean it up.  You may want to try the same with what SS sends you. Can't hurt and may work to some degree.  Good luck.
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