2 Messages
Trapped in my own home!!
I went to let my dog out at 4am. The key pad wouldn't light up or do anything. I tried typing in my pin anyway and then let my dog out. Of course my alarm went off. I received a call from the monitoring service and they accepted my password. I asked if they could turn the alarm off since my key pad wasn't working. She said no and recommend I try the app. I opened the app, but it wouldn't turn the alarm off. I asked if there was any other way. She only recommend I either upgrade or speak with technical support, which didn't open until 9am. Keep in mind I'm running around on my underwear with my base station compressed into a pillow trying not to wake my neighbors. I tried taking the batteries out of the key pad and putting them back - nope. I tried unplugging the base station - nope. It wasn't until I got a screwdriver, open up the base station and took out the batteries did the alarm stop. The monitor support recommend I call technical support when they open. I asked if I could leave and she said I might still get calls to confirm it was me. I asked if I missed a call is there a way not to send a response team at until I could get my alarm fixed. She said she couldn't guarantee that. Ugh!!! I was literally trapped in my home. I let her go. I ended up going on the app and upgrading my monitoring plan which finally let me turn my alarm to off. This was super annoying for 4am. My key pad is only a year old if that. I'm not sure I'm even going to keep my system now considering this fiasco. Simplisafe better right this wrong or they've lost my business.
1.3K Messages
5 years ago
1.1K Messages
5 years ago