9 Messages
How does one change the Property Name field (Android app)?
From the Android app, and in the context of the "Basic App Control" service plan, how does one update "Location Profile" information (like "Property Name")?
When I try to change the value, I get the following error alert - "Invalid Parameter: 'signature' - Reason: signature must be given and must be less tha…" but I don't see any place to add a signature.
How does one change the Property Name field?
6.3K Messages
3 years ago
@jchapura there are two ways to go here: 1, call SS and they will do it for you, or 2. Open the phone app, tap on Location Profile, then Property Name. When Property Name box pops up, use your back key to erase what's there, type in new name and then tap OK.
I just tried it, changing my property name from "home" to "home A" and then back again. No errors.
Good luck, hope this works for you.
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
3 years ago
Hi @jchapura ,
Quick question for you before I bring this to our dev team. Did you also try this action on your online account on a desktop browser? I want to isolate if this is an app only issue, or if it's a problem for your whole account.