‎Alerts when System has been Disarmed | SimpliSafe Support Home

Tuesday, July 14th, 2020 6:05 PM

Alerts when System has been Disarmed

With the alarm armed and entering the house, the motion sensor covering the front door and hallway detects me and the alarm starts beeping. I enter the PIN to disarm the alarm.  I then move into another room within a few seconds and I then get an alert on my iPhone that motion has been detected in, for example, the kitchen; why?  I've disarmed the alarm so I shouldn't receive alerts; it's beginning to get irritating.

Is there a setting I'm missing that is resulting in this behaviour?

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6.3K Messages

5 years ago

@Skier  I believe your post is describing the exact same issue I had with my original SS2 system: me.  Before you think I am mocking you, not the case, just reminding myself of what I and two SS support reps missed. It wasn't until the 3rd rep pointed out the then obvious to me: you can't have a motion sensor covering the area where you come in to disarm the system from a keypad.  (note I finally took a floorplan of my house, put where the sensors were located and then scanned and emailed it to SS).

Solution: Move the motion sensor and/or reduce the sensitivity switch to a lower setting, which shortens the distance.  All of entry sensors and motions are on instant trigger in my case  so the alarm would go off sometimes before I could shut off the system. Since my modifications of moving the motion sensor and reducing sensitivity, kitchen is still protected and my issue resolved.

My apologies if I misread your post but, if not, this should address your issue. Good luck.

7 Messages

5 years ago

Captain11.  I think you may have misread my post.  My motion sensors are not on instant trigger.  I have the system allowing 30 seconds for the PIN to be entered on entering the house.  I have no entry sensors on doors or windows at this time.

My issue is simply this: I have disarmed the system on entry via the front door into the hall.  I now move to the kitchen and I still receive an alert via the iOS app that motion has been detected in the kitchen - I know, it's me!  I have come home, DISARMED the alarm and am moving around my home - once disarmed there should be no alerts.



6.3K Messages

5 years ago

@ Skier sorry about that.  Do you "secret alerts" enabled on that motion sensor? if so you will be notified.

7 Messages

5 years ago

@Captain11.  No, Secret Alerts are disabled on that and all other Motion Sensors.  Interestingly, when I came home this evening I entered the PIN to disarm the alarm and waited around a minute before moving into the kitchen (the system is set to allow up to 30 seconds for the PIN to be entered), there was no alert from the Motion Sensor in the kitchen when I walked in.  From a test sample of one it appears that sensors report detections when within the period permitted to enter the PIN to disarm the alarm despite the fact that the system has actually been disarmed.  In the coming days I'll test this further and report back.



6.3K Messages

5 years ago

@Skier  I was not aware of that behavior. My home settings are set to 0 entry and exit and away settings 45 exit and 20 seconds entry. Again, I made sure after my issues with the motion sensors that none cover the garage to kitchen door that we always enter through.    Thanks for the info.

1.3K Messages

5 years ago

The camera has detected your motion and triggered the notification process before you have disarmed the system.

My SS2 system works the same way. We have a camera that very directly sees the main entry door and keypad, and it happens every time because the shutter is open in Away mode.

I believe this to be normal behavior, again because the system is still armed when it detects your motion and those wheels are already in progress.

As well, there is the possibility it is in conjunction with the 30 seconds, give or take, recordings that are made with each arm or disarm. We get motion notices too during those times if we are in places where the cameras see us moving when arming or disarming.

If you don't want that then you'll either have to -
- turn off motion alerts from the camera, or
- place the cameras where then can't see you during those times, or
- use the remote app or key fob to disarm or arm the system from out of camera view or wait more than 30 seconds or so after arm/disarm before entering the camera view.

We recognize this as the way it works and it doesn't bother us.

You may not like the way it works (or maybe do, like me) but I believe your system is working as designed.

7 Messages

It's not the cameras detecting anything (unless walking into the kitchen) as I don't currently have a camera with a view of the front door.  It seems to be that the motion sensors, or cameras, are still active throughout the time allowed to disarm the system regardless of the fact that the alarm has been switched off by entry of the PIN.

1.3K Messages

Alarm beeping? What does that mean?

The keypad is beeping/chiming or the alarm is actually sounding the base siren?
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