‎Per-Mode Setting for Instant Trigger | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Thursday, July 9th, 2020 7:16 AM


Per-Mode Setting for Instant Trigger

This is a suggestion, and one that seems relatively straightforward to implement.

I think it would be VERY useful to be able to set instant triggers based on certain windows of time. For instance, I would like to be able to set my front door to trigger an instant alarm between the hours of 12AM and 6AM. It's rare that I would open the front door during those hours, so any entry would likely be suspicious. That said, sometimes we forget to disarm the alarm when we get up in the morning before opening the front door, so having 10 second delay before the alarm triggers after 6AM is desirable.

My concern is motivated by the fact that I live in a relatively small, 2 bedroom apartment. A gentle 10 second chime, were somebody to actually break in during the night, is not going to wake us up until the alarm sounds. That is 10 seconds that might be rather valuable depending on the intentions of a potential intruder. That said, I want to avoid as many false alarms as possible ergo the desire to have the 10 second grace period after we are likely awake.

Again, this seems like a relatively easy feature to integrate, and one that would add considerable piece of mind (at least for me).

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Customize the instant trigger for HOME and AWAY independently.

2 Messages

5 years ago

Agree - I like this suggestion.  I was thinking it would be nice to be able to set individual sensors to instant alert based on the mode (home/away).  Times would also serve the same purpose I think.  It seems obvious, but I sometimes (sometimes it is just off) set mine to "home" when I'm home and "away" when I'm away.  I would like, for example, a door to be instant when set to away, but delayed when I'm home.

2 Messages

@rmbother​ you actually can do that! You can’t do the time part but you can change any sensor to instant trigger dependent on home or away mode 

2 Messages

5 years ago

Certainly plus 1 on this feature! Instant trigger for devices based on the mode. I want to have entry points delayed in Away mode giving people time to disarm on the keypad. But when fast asleep in Home mode I want that alarm screaming  instantly for opened Entry points. Don't need to be giving an intruder the courtesy of timed delays.

2 Messages

5 years ago

Do they have options to set on instant triggers or only entry delay? what is the minimum seconds for the entry delay? say 5-7 seconds? and also if you set it to AWAY MODE, do you have an option to set it to instant trigger or only entry delay?

2.8K Messages

5 years ago

^ In Home mode, you can set your sensors to instant trigger (instant trigger sets off the alarm immediately, then 30 seconds or so passes, and if you don't cancel the alarm within that time, you get a call from Monitoring, who will then ask for your safeword and if you need assistance (from the police, etc).  In Away mode, I think you can, best ask SS for official answer - generally, Away mode has an entry delay to give you time to get into the door, get to the keypad (or fish out your keyfob from your pocket etc) to turn off the alarm - you can set the entry delay as low as 30 seconds I believe.  If you want your entry delay less than 30 seconds, you have to call SS to request it, and they will do so from their end.

2.2K Messages

5 years ago

Instant trigger is instant and has no relationship to any delays EXCEPT if a delayed sensor is triggered first, the instant trigger is "ignored" until the delay completes.  There is an exit and an entry delay for AWAY mode.  HOME mode assumes you are all, well, home, and here are no delays (I don't know if they added it in SS3 or ignored it like most other requests)

Generally, it is wise to have all sensors set to instant, except  the one on the door you use for entry and exit.

Whether the signal is instant or delayed, once the monitoring service receives the alert, they give you about 30 seconds to cancel a false alarm before calling you to find out if things are ok.

2 Messages


New to simply safe coming from a hardwired system that allowed me to monitor motions such as my garage while asleep were automatically set to an instant alarm. Whereas if we were just away at work, motions had a 2-minute entry or exit delay. I would like to see the instant trigger option added next to both "HOME" and "AWAY" giving the user the functionality to toggle between both if desired. Please consider. Thank you! Randy

3 Messages

4 years ago

Is there a way to configure the Door Sensor to Instant Trigger in Home Mode only?  The device settings only allow the Instant Trigger setting to be turned on for both Home and Away modes.  I'd like for the Instant Trigger to sound the alarm immediately for the Door Sensor in Home mode, but not Away mode.

Sorry if this is a topic that has already been covered.  I didn't see a search section in the forum...

Thanks in advance for any advice!
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Instant Trigger for Door Sensor (Home Mode Only)

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Hi jcohran,

Right now, Instant Trigger does indeed work for all modes. But thanks for the suggestion! I'll forward to our dev team.

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security

6 Messages

Any progress on this. Would be a great feature - to get around this I'm thinking of adding a second sensor to my front door.

3 Messages

I agree that this would be a critical feature.



6.3K Messages

@jcohran  Great suggestion and would greatly benefit customers.  For me, our one entry sensor not set to instant trigger is the one door we use all the time, the door from the kitchen to the garage.  In home mode, it would be ideal to be on instant trigger!

6 Messages

@davey_d​ Hi Davey

Any update on this. The two sensors needed on the front door to make this work seems to confuse my base station.


3 Messages

3 years ago

It would be beneficial to setup 'Instant Trigger' differently for home and away. For example, I may not want instant trigger on my garage door and/or windows in Home Mode, but I would want it on in Away mode. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Instant Trigger Customization with Home and Away Mode

740 Messages

I am not sure I have ever read this suggestion. However, except for my front door, I have my Intrusion Sensors set to Instant Trigger. So your example makes sense, but I think I have always felt that I want any sensor to sound immediately at home or away. If I need to turn off the alarm before resetting it to open a window, etc., that is one thing. However, it becomes of significant concern when it is someone else.

3 Messages

I would also like this capability.  So in home mode (at night), it would instant alarm, but in away mode (when I am returning home) it would be a delayed alarm.

3 Messages

This is what I want too. 

4 Messages

2 years ago

Instead of enabling Instant Trigger at the device or system level. Allow Instant Trigger to be enabled at the Home/Away/Off Level. I would love to set Instant Trigger in Home mode when asleep so that I can protect myself and family, and leave Instant Trigger off in Away mode. I do not want to edit this setting EVERY SINGLE TIME I leave the house or disarm before I walk in the door EVERY SINGLE TIME I set the system to Away. This is basic functionality that should have been implemented years ago. SimpliSafe is in jeopardy of losing my business if this feature is not developed soon.

Also, I cannot submit this idea under the Ideas category because Topic is a required field and there are no child topics to select for the Testimonials and Ideas category. This is basic CRM community functionality.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Per-Mode Instant Trigger

5 Messages

2 years ago

Being able to set instant triggers by mode would be a good first step.  Instant trigger if AWAY for certain sensors.  (Windows as an example…unless you regularly climb thru your window to get in your house)

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