‎Scheduled arming and disarming | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Monday, January 23rd, 2023 3:47 AM


Scheduled arming and disarming

Has there been any movement on this topic. This is definitely a deal breaker, and I am researching other services because of this lack of functionality.

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Scheduled Arm and Disarm

2 Messages

2 years ago

I use Google Home to arm at 11pm but it can not disarm. Alexa would do the same.

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

2 years ago


At this time, there is no way to schedule arming or disarming of your system. The philosophy is that both arms and disarms should always be intentional by a human user.

But we do know that this is a popular request, and we have a thread on the Suggestions section about it here. Our product team is always happy to listen to feedback!

In the meantime, you do have the ability to schedule a reminder, so that you'll get a notification when it's time to arm or disarm. You can find instructions for that here.

3 Messages

@emily_s​   terrible answer.  just got my system today and its going back today.  i assumed stupidly that any alarm company selling a SMART system would have basic arm/disarm scheduling.  foolish.

2 Messages

I feel like the philosophy should be to give the user the option to schedule arming. This seems like a silly thing to restrict and ultimately makes me feel less safe since I might forget to arm it. 

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

Hi @Cw ​, 

Good news, scheduled arming has been released! This feature is slowly rolling out to users. If you don't see it in your SimpliSafe mobile app under Menu > My System > Scheduled Arming, you should soon. In the meantime, you can learn more about scheduled arming here in our Help Center.

8 Messages

Hi, @emily_s .  This is good news - but the current (as of 7 May 2023) programming has a sufficiently big flaw that for me it's not worth using to arm my system nightly.

Specifically, if my system is armed in away mode and a scheduled Arm to home mode time occurs, the system will re-arm in home mode, turning off (in my system - as is the default programming) all the motion detectors.  

Practical implication.  Say my system is set to arm itself in home mode nightly - but tonight I'm staying out late or I'm going on a trip, so my home is empty, and Simplisafe is sitting there in away mode.  The scheduled arming event will degrade my protection and turn off the motion detection.

RECOMMENDATION:  Update programming for scheduled arming so that IF (a system is armed in away mode) AND (a scheduled Arm to home mode) event occurs), THEN (the system remains Armed in Away Mode).  This could be either the default or made an option.  Thanks

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