‎SS3, Entry Sensor shows open, but door is closed | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Thursday, January 23rd, 2020 4:39 PM

SS3, Entry Sensor shows open, but door is closed

I've had Simplisafe SS3, for almost two months.

A couple of times, when I go to move from OFF to either HOME or AWAY, one entry sensor shows open, but door is clearly closed.  I can open and close the door, and that clears it.

It's on the garage, on the Exterior Door going to the outside.  (there is also a door connecting garage to house, that seems fine.)

I just switched batteries with another entry sensor at the other end of the house from the base station, to see if that helps.  Battery in Exterior Door was just under 3.2 volts, replace with slightly better one just over 3.2 volts.

Other thoughts appreciated.

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1.2K Messages

5 years ago

It's either the sensor or the location causing it to not send it's updates to the base station.  First thing I would try is swap sensors with another one to see if the issue follows the sensor or the garage door.  If the problem follows the sensor call SS for replacement.  If the new sensor on the door has the same problem, you may have to try moving the base station to help it out.  Some times a couple of feet can make all the difference.

181 Messages

5 years ago

Moved base station a few feet.

Also swapped sensors. with one pretty far away in the other direction.

2.8K Messages

5 years ago

I had the same problem with my garage exit door - in my case, I had to make the sensor and magnet flush because the door trim was different than my other doors.   I attached a small piece of cardboard to the back of the magnet bracket (to build it out), then screwed everything to the door, it worked.
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