1 Message
Alert if Door is Left Open
I’ve had issues with my garage door not closing fully - it’ll start to close and occasionally will open back up. This causes me to think all is good, and then wake up the next morning and realize the door was left wide open.
I have a sensor on my door and we normally don’t turn our alarm on when we’re at home.
Is there a way to get an alert if a sensor/door is open for 10 minutes?
Official Response
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
10 months ago
Hi all,
As Emily mentioned, we do have an active Product Request already here. It is currently not in progress, but the more comments we have over there, the more likely our dev team will put it on the list!
Community Admin
3.4K Messages
1 year ago
Hi @michaelstimpfel,
We currently do not have a feature where you will get notified when an Entry Sensor has been opened for a set amount of time, but we have submitted that request to our devs for their consideration. If/when this feature is brought into development, we'll provide an update in this thread.
1 Message
1 year ago
This would be an exceptionally useful feature. I completely agree. Whether leaving home or going to bed, there are numerous doors that id like notice on - kids leave door open or the garage door bounces due to opener malfunction or other oddity. The "secret notification" might function as such, but it would be nicer to have the left open alert. My guess that'll drain battery faster as two notices or more from the device instead of one.
2 Messages
10 months ago
PLEASE make this a feature. My baby gate has been left open before and the baby made his way down the stairs. Luckily unharmed. This feature would help so much!
1 Message
9 months ago
My Wi-Fi router has a setting where you can turn the lights off at a certain time of night. It would be good if you could set a trigger for either the garage door being open more than some amount of time, or if it is left open after a certain time. for example say you normally go to bed at 11 PM. If the door is open after 11 PM, it could send you an alert. This would be a very handy feature. Thank you
1 Message
7 months ago
I would also like this to alert us that a kid is letting the bought air out.
2 Messages
6 months ago
I agree that this feature is needed, and I'll give another example of its use: we have a standing freezer in the garage. When the door is left open even a little bit the food can thaw and spoil.
Please add this feature to be notified if a door is left open for a period of time!
1 Message
5 months ago
Agree - let's add this feature
2 Messages
4 months ago
Need this feature. Just switched to SimpliSafe from Xfinity. Your tech is better but the features are not.
2 Messages
4 months ago
I am adding my voice to requesting this option. After reading many threads in this forum, has SS ever made a change that customers requested. Some requests have been up for years. I.e. separate login for other users.
So as a customer am just wasting my time asking fora simple (pun intended)fix
1 Message
3 months ago
just left my front door open, would have been nice to know. Had this with ADT 10 years ago by sms
1 Message
2 months ago
This feature is going to be very useful specially in the winters when kids leave the door open all the time. Also if this feature works with smart home devices that would be an added plus.
1.5K Messages
2 months ago
Some Options;
This feature is "probably" outside their comfort zone, core business, whatever, security monitoring etc. Canned responses for "most" feature requests.
I don't know their internal procedures, all speculation on my part and it's their business, not mine. Nor do I care. Only what I read here and online.
For fridge and/or freezer GoveeLife, see Amazon, has a device alarm, about $50.
It's your food.🤷
Don't have any, not pushing them. On you to investigate etc. "May" be closed to other smart devices. Seperate app but notifications, supposedly WiFi/Bluetooth.
For door left open push notifications, you'll probably have to purchase a smart home hub of your choice, of which there are many. Maybe even skip the above and find a freezer device compatible with your hub.
Or switch services for one option.
Smart Home Hubs can use Zigbee and other type sensors, thermostats etc etc.
1,000's possible.
How many doors can you have? 2 to 4+- perhaps 2 garage doors? If Zigbee, a three pack is about $43, Amazon etc. Hubs $120 to several $100.
I use Home Assistant, about $120, or free if you have a mini PC etc. laying around, and the know how, zigbee dongle about $35, tells me if a door is open instantly, and reminds me too, repeatedly, if I don't change the program. 😬 (can be irritating, I use text to speech & notifications) fun hobby though for a decrepit old guy.
I personally have about 40 zigbee devices, so far, includes 3 signal extenders. Leak, entry, motion, vibration etc.
All DIY. Requires due diligence and some technical abilities. Or you can wait, change providers, wherever you wish. Your call.
Home Assistant does have a Simplisafe unofficial integration that exposes the sensors, arming, disarming etc., the SS sensors are polled and can take 20-30 seconds to register open or closed. Arming etc. are websockets I think and faster, more instantaneous. See Http protocol vs websockets.
It's a bit of a pain to integrate. Took me a couple hours, 2nd go round after dumping it the first time.
But, even that, albeit slow, would work for door has been left open notifications, notifications are DIY. It's all DIY....
I've given the SS unofficial integration another chance, don't need to use the SS sensors except for entry alarm, 37 Zigbee has me covered. Integration is not associated with Simplisafe to be clear. Independent development, free, donations accepted. Not me.
I do use the integration in my self monitoring scheme, auto arm and disarm for secondary security, Geofence arm and disarm, scheduled arming, that doesn't disarm it unless I say so.😉
My notifications let me know if it happened, or not. Does require re-authentication occasionally until SS decides to cooperate with the integration developers. Not holding my breath. 🫁.
Happy New Year!🎉