19 Messages
Outdoor Camera Solar Panel Charging
I have two cameras I have a solar panel attached to each. They both get direct sunlight 11-12 hours a day. (I live on top of a mountain) One camera never will charge above 74% the other would go from 70% to Zero within minutes - waiting for replacement camera - it was over night shipment from FedX on Feb. 9 - guess they have long nights!! I have other cameras I run on solar and never an issue. Seems that the solar panel doesn't charge these batteries well? Anyone else have an issue? I even got up on the ladder and checked the solar panels and connections - everything appears to be connected fine.
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
3 years ago
Hi sherriff_4,
The Solar Panel is designed to keep your SimpliSafe Wireless Outdoor Camera topped up - and with up to 12 hours of direct sunlight, it shouldn't be having trouble with that.
What it does suggest to me is that your cameras are both using up way more power than they should. Do they see a lot of activity? e.g. triggers, or if you livestream from them frequently.
We did recently start rolling out a major firmware update that resolves some performance issues - including with battery life. So it's possible that when that update gets to your devices, they'll perform much better.
1 Message
3 years ago
I am also having issues. The app shows that the camera is plugged into a source (the battery shows a lightning bolt for charging while my back door camera just shows a full battery), but yet my front door camera (likely due to lots of cars driving past the house), is continually dying and giving the critical low battery warning. But I knew it'd get lots of traffic that's why I have the front connected with solar.
I wish there was a firmware update to allow sections of the camera to be more sensitive than others or even an overall sensitivity function to alter. It's just strange that the one hooked to continuous solar power is the one requiring the most recharges of the battery.
1 Message
3 years ago
My outdoor camera does not seem to charge with the solar battery either. I have to wait around for someone to change it for me. I’m very disappointed with it.☹️
11 Messages
2 years ago
I read somewhere of a similar issue that was corrected by starting off with fully charged batteries before attaching the solar. I have no experience on this.
2 Messages
2 years ago
ALL THREE of my solar panels are NOT keeping the battery charged up all of a sudden. It seemed to work fine at first but after 2-3 months, it is suddenly not really keeping the batteries charged. This defeats the purpose of purchasing this expensive component. The purpose of purchasing this expensive component is so that I do NOT have to go out and get on a ladder to deal with battery problems. I feel ripped off completely. Please advise.
2 Messages
1 year ago
I just received my hardware yesterday and have NOT had mine installed yet. I will need to apply for dispatch from my city first before installation.
Long story short, I was told by Simplisafe CS Rep today that solar panel will not charge the battery sufficiently. I was told to buy 25ft extension cable which will power the security camera continuously. I have not tried it yet because my system has not been installed yet. I just purchased the 25ft extension cable.
Simpliesafe website: Outdoor Camera Power Cable | SimpliSafe Home Alarm
Amazon: Amazon.com: 25ft/7.6m Weatherproof Outdoor Charging Cable for SimpliSafe Outdoor Security Camera Only (1) : Electronics
2 Messages
1 year ago
New to the system. I was told today by simplisafe CS Rep today that with solar panel, it will not generate sufficient power for the battery. The best way is to connect the outdoor security camera to outlet with 25 ft extension cord. I just purchased the extension cords today and have NOT tried it yet. I need to apply for permit from my city before I can have the system installed.
Simplisafe website: Outdoor Camera Power Cable | SimpliSafe Home Alarm
Amazon: Amazon.com: 25ft/7.6m Weatherproof Outdoor Charging Cable for SimpliSafe Outdoor Security Camera Only (1) : Electronics
1 Message
1 year ago
My solar panel is not charging my external camera battery at all. It worked Ok for a few months, then stopped. I bought it to avoid going up ladders to change over batteries, but now I'm going up ladders every 3 months. There is no charging symbol on the App and re-installing the camera has had no effect. I have pushed the charger cable in as hard as I can. What do Simplisafe suggest as a solution? The solar panel was expensive and so far a total failure.
19 Messages
1 year ago
Let them know they will replace the panel at no charge. They replaced mine this way - just have to send the old one back so the can see what happened.
2 Messages
1 year ago
I told SimpliSafe that mine was doing the same thing and they were absolutely awful and never offered to give me a new solar panel. They are totally unaccountable for their products not working. My solar panel hasn't worked for 9 months and they have done nothing.
1 Message
9 months ago
I have the same issue. I have 2 outdoor cameras with solar panels. One of the cameras faces directly east and the other faces directly west. The west and east facing batteries were totally charged prior to installation but once installed the east side camera only registered as having a FAIR charge while the west side camera has always registered as GOOD. Simple Safe sends me new batteries but the problem continues. Any ideas?????