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Saturday, June 3rd, 2023 2:48 AM

Wireless Interference Detected = You may be getting robbed

This afternoon I kept getting a "Wireless Interference Detected" notification on my phone while I was out. At the same time my teenage son who was alone in the house called me asking me to look at the camera and tell him who's at the front door because someone was banging on the door. I tried to activate the camera but it said it was offline. I told him to just go look and see who it was. No one was there by the time he got to the front door. The notification went away, and the cameras came back online. 

20 minutes later I kept getting the same notifications again - over 20 times over a 5 minute period. I Facetimed my son and asked him to go check out the base station to see what's up. When he got out of his room he heard a bunch of rummaging and he told me someone was in the house. I told him to hang up and call 911. 

The system made no recordings of the front door while the initial guy was pounding on the door to see if anyone was home, and the inside camera detected nothing as well. I also have a ring camera in the backyard which they ripped off and disconnected. It turns out they broke in through the back. 

I guess the point of my story is that if you are getting this notification it's possible that you are getting robbed. I have no idea what tool the burglars used to do it, but it happened. Be careful out there.

1.1K Messages

2 years ago

Yea they can get a device that can wipe out your wifi for a period of time and or wipe out the cameras and sad part is if they are blocking the signal for your system they can get in without the system even knowing. Sucks but I really wish they would do more work on this security part. Never heard of anything like this with the ring alarm or any other. Hope your son is OK and if he is then I'm glad. I have a total of 10 simplisafe cameras but I also am not dumb anymore and know I can't trust them fully so I also have a wired camera system that records 24/7

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

2 years ago

Hi @jimikim, 

I'm very sorry to hear about this, and I hope that everyone is okay. I've escalated your case to our Support team, one of our Senior Specialists will reach out to you soon to make this right.

1 Message

@emily_s​ The fix needs to be communicated to everyone. Instead of trying to find the answer when it happens 6 months from now

6 Messages

1 year ago

Maybe make it like a alarm trigger 

Notification and notify police 

1.1K Messages

1 year ago

This is also why I over due things when it comes to sensors as I have way more motion sensors than I need and way more cameras that I need but multiple layers of protection throughout is the key so if they do have that device it's hard to disable all sensors if you have way more than you really need. 

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