‎Love the Ease of Setup - Already Feel Better - Wish I Could Have Gotten the Free Camera Offer | SimpliSafe Support Home

Friday, February 26th, 2021 1:41 AM

Love the Ease of Setup - Already Feel Better - Wish I Could Have Gotten the Free Camera Offer

System was a breeze to set up. I'm already incredibly happy and would certainly recommend SimpliSafe to everyone who is in the market for a home alarm.

I do wish I was able to take advantage of the free camera offer, however. I spent weeks looking at all the various systems out there and had made a decision to go with SImpliSafe, but just had not pulled the trigger yet. Then, yep, reports of problems in our neighborhood. So I came straight to the SS website to order, excited because of the limited time offer for a free camera. Unfortunately, I looked at shipping time of 5 to 7 business daysm but we needed our SS system ASAP! So...over to Amazon I go last night to use my Prime membership for next day delivery, which I got (today), but of course, through Amazon there was no free camera offer...I had no choice - I needed the system quick.

Just to say I tried, I did call the SS Customer Service number and asked if a free cam were possible, but of course was told no, since Amazon was a third party vendor. Agent was great...don't get me wrong...and apologetic...but still it's the only thing that slightly put this off from being incredible.
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