6K Messages
Fast Protect Process Tested....Buying another Smart Alarm Camera
As a 12+ years with Simplisafe, I am a very active and supportive customer of the company and its services. IMO the best, overall security solution in the market, but remembering a very good idea from a former president (trust but verify), I decided it was time to test my two Smart Alarm Cameras. The two SA cameras replaced two of my Simplicams, leaving 1 Simplicam, a doorbell pro and two outdoor cameras. I had already experieced the world class build of the camera unit, excellent motion sensor (as good as a standalone motion sensor) and great video quality. What concerned me was the overall Fast Protect process and the human element with SS monitoring agents.
I armed my system away and stepped into the range of one of my 7 first floor motion sensors and then moved off camera. 26 seconds after the start of the siren an agent was on the phone to advise of the alarm event and that no intruder activity was observed on any of the cameras. She then asked if I was okay, said yes and then immediately asked for my safe word. Professional, efficient and off the phone. Done. In the timeline the detail was very well done, with the alarm event, agent starting to monitor live video, agent ending review of video and alarm off.
My order is in for a 3rd SA camera to replace my remaining Simplicam. When installed all 3 will cover 90% of my 1st floor. Simplisafe, well done. Trusted and now verified.
6K Messages
1 year ago
An update - and compliments to SS on their CI efforts! (Continuous Improvement)
My 3rd Smart Alarm camera is up and running. As the app showed I now have 51 connected components in my system, I reflected on the 12 year journey to get here. "Wow", I thought, the early days of the phone app that was so buggy a can of Black Flag should have been included in the download to the experience I just had installing my new camera: like night and day! No more QR codes, visual prompts, even an improvement within the last few weeks with the menu selection with "Install sensors" and "install cameras" now merged into one seamless and smooth process. Not just software alone, the new Smart Alarm camera is a work of art, vastly overshadowing the old Simplicam.
Looking forward to what the next 12 years brings! Tip of the hat to the Product Development Team....but yeah, we customers do want, and expect, a lot more in the near future!