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Excellent Customer Service - Refurbished Cameras
We already have two OD cameras, one doorbell pro and three Smart Alarm cameras that cover 90% of our first floor, I wanted to find out if SS had refurbished SA cameras for sale so when we are on vacation I could add to our 2nd floor and then remove when we got back.
Called Customer Service, got a quick pickup from a very friendly agent and asked my question. His reply "Sorry, I am not sure but let me transfer you to my supervisor who may know". I thanked him for his quick and upfront reply and was onto his supervisor in seconds. Asked and she promptly advised me she would have to check and asked if I could wait a few moments or she could call me back. I told her I would wait.
About a minute later she said she was sorry but SS only sells complete refurbished systems at this time and, no, refurbished SA cameras were not available.
I went out of my to thank her and her other agent for being so up front, addressing my question in such a professional and pleasant manner, and doing it in the minimum amount of time.
You may be reading this wondering why I am so satisfied with being told what I wanted wasn't available. To clarify, if needed, is not the final answer but how you get there and how it's done.
Attn: Comcast, ADT, Sirius Radio and quite a few more companies: take notes, this is how customer service should be done. Coming from someone who managed customer service depts and call centers for over 20 years.
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