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Thursday, December 31st, 2020 8:01 PM

Annual SS Review

This will mark my 8th New Year's Eve as a Simplisafe customer, along for the ride my wife of 40 years, and over the years 6 separate family members, 5 neighbors and the rest of 20+ systems friends, former coworkers etc.  This year I sent an email to all and asked if they would buy again, their most positive impressions and, of course, the dreaded "what was the worst impression".  Most responded and all said "yes", they would buy again but not make following "SS as big as a part of life as I did".   My wife agreed with them, smiling of course, as she replied on the email our system had grown over the past year with "McGuyver like garage door sensors" and a few more closet doors with entry sensors.....and the likely acquisition of outdoor cameras if they ever actually come out.....(my wife is an eternal optimist like myself ).

Several noted (and I agree) support has improved with the new Help Center, Social Team covering the forum and reduced wait times.  Not perfect, admittedly, but still improved. I called support twice during this holiday season and was impressed with wait times. Now, SS, you have to get all those new agents up to speed with continued training....

All in all, it was a good year with SS, and, coincidently, I am getting my Simplisafe ugly holiday sweater later today in the mail for the donation we made. (I will look spiffy at my daughter's New Year's Day party tomorrow.) I should note she and in-laws also have SS3 systems, of course.

Let me end the post with a "Happy, safe New Year to all of you and your families", customers and SS associates alike.  And of course, "Live long and prosper".  Thanks SS for protecting our lives and property. See you in 2021.
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