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Tuesday, October 8th, 2024 6:47 PM

ADT Hacked...again

For full disclosure, I am a former ADT customer and dislike the company very much. Here is a link detailing ADT's 2nd security breach recently. So far at least, SS is hanging in their with end to end encryption. SS, keep it up!


5 Messages

4 months ago

I fear that SS will probably go the way of ADT with their customer service which includes tech support as 'they' do their best to replace people with Al.

When 'they' finally figure out that Al was just a marketing gimmick sold as a way to increase profits of companies the skills lost won't be around to be replaced when the reality and limits of Al set in.

We can see that this is exactly what happened when qualified people who refused to get 'the jab' left and moved on and or waited to find sanity in other positions and or started their own business.

Employers scrambled to replace people with what was anybody regardless of their past experience or skill set.



6.3K Messages

@rocketman2k5 Your fears are valid but I am a glass half full person, or at least try to be every day.  I can honestly say that from my personal experience in my small corner of the SS world (myself and dozens of other systems I have personally recommended and placed) other than the occasional "hey, I have a question about why this isn't working" everyone is happy and satisfied with Simplisafe.  Knock on wood if you can find some, one must remember this online community is a small % of the 4 million customers SS serves and, at least me, believe the vast majority of customers are happy too.

Use the "loyalty dept" as an example, an acid test; I had two calls in the last 30 days with them. One was an absolute horrible experience, one was fine and under 3 minutes. In my book batting .500 isn't great but know many other companies that couldn't get on base once in a nine inning game.

The current state of AI reminds me when VRU's were first introduced in the 1980's: horrible and useless that eventually, when well designed and deployed, actually did some good.  AI will be the same, but for now, in my experience dumber than a sack of rocks.  (Just ask it about an Amtrak schedule with multiple stops at the same station.  A grade school student could do better).

All in all, still a SS fan, warts and all. Still light years ahead of the likes of Comcast or ADT.

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