‎Turning off the smoke detector | SimpliSafe Support Home

Tuesday, February 20th, 2018 12:25 AM

Turning off the smoke detector

Is there a way to deactivate the smoke detector temporarily?  

My wife uses the oven cleaner function on the stove which generates enough smoke to trigger the alarm.  
'Looking on the dashboard, the smoke detector is always on.  Is there a way to stop it from sending an alarm short of removing it?

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6.1K Messages

7 years ago

@Lschn121, per my father in law when he was alive, a county fire marshall:  if a smoke detector is causing false alarms when you cook, you have it in the wrong location.  Words to live by.

2.2K Messages

7 years ago

But no, you can't deactivate it.  You can remove it from the configuration and add it back end when you are done cleaning, or you can take the battery out and reinstall it when you are done.  Or you can remove it from the mount and move it away from the smoke until you are done and then put it back.

7 Messages

7 years ago

By removing it from the configuration, do you mean clicking the "X" to delete it from the dashboard?  Does that remove the detector from the system and stop interaction with the base and dispatch?

I just got a Simplisafe system and included smoke detectors. I probably should have thought it out better but I had one old detector that was malfunctioning so I thought why not buy these?

I originally intended to not have monitoring but decided I want to be able to remotely access the dashboard and cameras.  I asked customer support to opt me out of police and fire dispatch but they said you can't opt out of fire dispatch.  I know it sounds crazy to not want fire response, but  I've read a lot of comments in this forum about false smoke detector alarms. Many said they got a fire department response despite telling dispatch there was no fire.   I'm a retired firefighter.  My home is very fire safe.  My smoke alarms aren't likely to trigger unless I overcook some salmon or they malfunction.  I have a tiny, open layout cabin so moving the detector further from the kitchen isn't an alternative.  I have multiple detectors because of firefighter overkill syndrome.   I primarily count on them to wake me up should there be a fire while I'm sleeping.  

Sorry to be so wordy.  My question is whether anybody is using simplisafe smoke detectors in a standalone fashion and does removing them from the dashboard make them standalone?

2.2K Messages

7 years ago

Yes, delete it from the dashboard so that it does not cause the system to have a fire report.  The "best" choice technically, but not the easiest or safest.

1 Message

2 years ago

My smoke alarm is chirping. Can I turn it off until I replace the battery? If so, how do I do this?

Community Admin


71 Messages

Hi @bethellenlv,


The only way to do this would be by removing the battery from the component. 

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