4 Messages
In ability to deactivate fire alarm remotely
In the last month or so, I've had two false fire alarms. Both were on very humid days and the humidity was the like cause of the false alarm. My problem is that in both cases I was away from home. The second time I was out of the state. In both cases, after checking my cameras to verify the alarm was false, I clicked on the off button in the app. The app indicated the system was off but the alarm continued. Restarting the app and clicking off again didn't work. Telling the representative that called me it was false didn't work. The system would not let me deactivate remotely. Having to run home to turn off at the key pad is irritating and extremely inconvenient. Its impossible when I'm 4000 miles away. Simply Safe support was unhelpful and wanted to troubleshoot the false alarms.....even though that wasn't really the issue. Simply Safe!! train your people to listen. My issue was my inability to deactivate my alarm via the app, not a false activation! I know what caused the false activation. My solution for the time being is to have removed all of my smoke detectors. Simply Safe, I need an answer and a solution to this. The smoke detectors don't do me any good if they cause more problems than help. I may have to go back to the traditional smoke detectors that are not tied into the alarm.
Official Response
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
10 months ago
Hi folks,
Thanks for your feedback. If there is an active Fire type alarm on your system, triggered either by the Smoke Detector, or the 2-in-1 Smoke & CO Detector, the only way to cancel that alarm is through the Keypad. This behavior is designed to conform to the UL-985 Standard.
Unfortunately, there is no way to stop an active fire alarm through the SimpliSafe app, remotely. So we strongly encourage our users to take steps to prevent false alarms in the future. We have a step-by-step guide on the Help Center, and our Support team would be happy help!
Community Admin
3.4K Messages
1 year ago
Hi @jonfrye1,
Smoke Detector alarms cannot be turned off through the mobile app, it needs to be done using the Keypad. This feature is a safety requirement. If someone was present in the home and the alarm was turned off remotely before they could hear it, that could be an issue.
4 Messages
1 year ago
can you direct me to who I need to talk to about my smoke and co2 sensors. They don’t work the way I was lead to believe. I want a refund. I’m happy to return them. They don’t do me any good if the run continuously after a false activation. Ask anyone in this community, no one wants to come running home when they’re out on a date or on a vacation or doing something else because of a false activation, that we can’t deactivate remotely. This so-called safety feature needs to be tweaked and modified. I mean, come on, I get the safety feature of it but why not have an automatic shut off after a set period of time. In both of my cases, it ran for close to 30 minutes before someone else I trusted could get to my house to turn it off.
2 Messages
10 months ago
I had this issue last week and suitable annoyed my neighbours. One smoke detector was falsely activated that then set off a full system alarm. I was away and got the notification on my phone. The UI appears to allow the user to turn off the alarm remotely, but when you click off it just gives a loading icon. This UI is misleading to the capabilities of the app and must be addressed, even to just remove the off toggle. As an even better feature, the off toggle should work and disable the alarm for a period of time. That way the user can remove the faulty device from the system until such a point where they are physically at the location and can resolve the issue.
I also have some work around questions to see if I can create a solution that prevents this from occuring again.
4 Messages
10 months ago
I’ve thrown out all of my simply safe fire alarms. They are awful. Would never recommend these alarms to anyone. They false alarm way too often. Simply Safe tells me I need to take steps to avoid a false alarm. Apparently they believe it’s my fault. Explain this…why is it regular alarms like the ones I buy at Home Depot dont false activate? They’re in the same positions. Also, why don’t the simply safe alarms turn off after a period of time. My normal ones do. Simply Safe! Stop making excuses and just fix your alarms. What you sell now are garbage.
2 Messages
9 months ago
Happened to me just now.
The alarm can ONLY be turned off via the keypad and NOT the app. If you aren’t in the presence of the keypad you are screwed.
The fire alarm device did NOT show a low battery before this event (so that was not the cause)
The fire department guy said DUST might cause a false alarm if it builds up and recommends using a can of compressed air to “clean” the built in sensor (which cannot be properly accessed to clean other than through the tiny holes)
9 Messages
7 months ago
Ahh..the mess. Here's the last they aren't telling you. Until you clear the fire alarm, your burglary system doesn't work as the system accepts only one trigger at a time. Yup. Can't shut off fire, anyone can break in and you'll never know. Now, if they would only stop hiding my comments and tell the truth...
1 Message
6 months ago
We got a false alarm while we were thousands of miles away in January. Our daughter had to leave work and drive home to disable the smoke detector. We got another today, when we were again thousands of miles away, and our poor house sitter had to deal with it, at 5:45 AM.
There have been other false alarms, but these were the worst.
Every time we get a false alarm it tortures our dogs while we try to figure it out.
In my experience Simplisafe smoke detectors have a lot of false alarms. The idea that our house might actually be burning down isn't even front of mind when we get one anymore. Mostly I'm scrambling to get the dog-torture to stop, and to not waste our small town volunteer hose company's time.
The fact that the app looks like it's turning off the alarms when you hit the Off button, but then actually does nothing, is real garbage. It's just a user interface bug. You should fix it! Understand that when the only way a homeowner can communicate with the system is through the app, the app had better always work perfectly, and certainly never deceive the user.
Some of us learned the hard way that there's something you can only do with the keypad. I didn't bother setting up the keypad at first. We don't need the keypad! My wife and I both have the app! Or so I thought, until I was handling one of the false alarms.
Citing UL-985 is contemptible. That's your lawyers talking. Less time covering your own butts and more time trying to actually fix this, please.
12 Messages
6 months ago
Was there actually a change to the functionality?
I had a false alarm 2-1/2 years ago, while I was in Germany. At that time, I think I was able to switch it off remotely.
I may not remember this correctly, does anyone know?
6 Messages
6 months ago
Hey SimpliSafe?! You gonna comment on this at all?
1 Message
5 months ago
I stupidly installed one of these today. I wanted a means to temporarily disable it i.e. only when I am out but after reading this I realised it wasn't possible. So I removed it and the thing started screaming and it won't turn off UNSLESS... you put a piece of stick tape over the little black switch on the back of the unit. Hope that helps. Anyway the stupid ting is going in the drawer until I go on holiday. Oh but hang on I'll be 4000 miles away. Oh it can stay in the drawer then.
2 Messages
5 months ago
Thanks, everyone for the heads-up! I was about to purchase 2 of the combo detectors until reading this thread. Off to Lowes tomorrow to get low-tech First Alert units.
Now if I could only get rid of the nagging "sensor not responding" issues ...
6 Messages
5 months ago
Comon Simplisafe! Say SOMETHING about this and how you’re going to fix it!!
6 Messages
3 months ago
@simplisafe, why do we keep paying you for service since you refuse to even address our concerns let alone listen to us?
1.5K Messages
3 months ago
I have Wi-Fi detectors, Smoke and CO. I can turn them off anytime I want at home or away. They offer inexpensive monitoring, which I declined. Three for $60 or so. They offer linked models, but for me, not needed or wanted.
A slew of cameras that listen for Smoke and CO sounds, 3 beep vs four beep sounds.
As long as wifi is up, if one triggers I get a push notification. They integrate into Home Assistant, so more notifications if I want more coverage. Turn on more sirens, blink some red lights etc.
I'm speculating, but I personally think the reason Simplisafe requires this is for their legal liability. If they allowed user control and it burns down your house, some insurance company or owner will or may file suit for that gray area of control and lack of alert to local fire departments.
Why they don't have waivers is unknown. Firmware hassles perhaps. One size fits all approach.
Win or lose, lawsuits still cost money to defend. How it works with self monitoring, I will never know, same or you control. My guess...the same.
Complicates monitoring for agents g firmware, etc etc.
Simplisafe gives paid users a little system control, but in the end, they are in control of your monitored system to the legal degree necessary to help alleviate those legal liabilities and adherence to their current terms and conditions. Which are subject to change without typical notice.
You however are in charge of sensors not sensing, falling off, bad firmware, WiFi/RF cameras that don't function properly for all, your WiFi, improper installation, responding to emergency text messages, not reading terms & conditions, fines, licensees, everything else not in the Terms, etc.etc.etc. lol (sarcasm intended)
The down side is false alarms & perhaps hindering life safety response to actual emergencies and possibly fines or fees. (Also on you, if applicable.)
I didn't buy any Simplisafe models because I read a little bit here and online about false alarms going back years. And the cleaning hassle. Unfortunately I didn't read quite enough, because I still bought a system. Hindsight is 20/20.
I could buy First Alert Zwave models but they're fairly salty, about $40+ each. I'd have to test one in Home Assistant. Still considering those, though I like the Wi-Fi model price, function & features. But Zwave gives me more control over the device sensors locally to my LAN.