‎door lock not manually unlocking when locked using the app | SimpliSafe Support Home

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 4:21 PM

door lock not manually unlocking when locked using the app

Major Safety Issue---Recently after an update or something I have found that my simplysafe door lock will not unlock from the inside if the lock is closed using the app or the keypad. No matter how much you try the lock will not unlock. This is a MAJOR safety issue. If you lock the door manually then there is no issue with unlocking the door, This only happened I believe after a recent software update. How can I correct this?

113 Messages

4 years ago

This is interesting.  I would think that this shouldn't be possible, due to safety concerns that you mention (Life Safety Codes).  I would think that a manual action would unlock the lock regardless.

3 Messages

That is what I thought too.....but it freezes and cannot be moved with a key or manually.  It just happened to me, and its Jan 2024, with a brand new lock.

Same thing just happened to me. Locked out of the house for 2 hours. Wtf

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@brendonenders92​ This issue typically occurs due to an error with calibration where the Smart Lock's locked and unlocked positions are no longer correct. When this happens, the Smart Lock keeps trying to turn tighter. 

It can help to recalibrate the Smart Lock by going to Menu > Device Settings > Smart Lock > Recalibrate in your Keypad. 

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5.7K Messages

4 years ago

Definitely concerning, mark.violet1.

Have you tried factory resetting the Smart Lock? You can do that by opening the battery panel and holding the pairing button inside for 16 seconds. When you release, it should disengage from the Base Station, and you can add it back through the Keypad.

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security

4 Messages

4 years ago

I am having the same problem in two new Simplisafe Smart Locks. I purchased them a couple of months ago from two different places. Both exhibit exactly the same jammed for manual usage behavior described here and it is very concerning. Both locks function perfectly from the keypad or app, so there is no mechanical blockage issue, the bolt is smooth as can be.

I opened this topic about it:

199 Messages

4 years ago

I've had my lock installed for about a month.  Yesterday, I could not unlock the door manually to get in my house.  It took a couple tries with the app locking and unlocking it for the deadbolt to turn.  It hasn't happened since then, but this is a significant problem and major safety concern.  

It seems to be working fine now, but I am still going to contact customer support.

199 Messages

4 years ago

Update: If I lock the Smartlock electronically (app, alarm or pin pad) it will only unlock with pin pad, app, etc.  If I am outside, the key does not work.  However, if I lock my house manually with a key, then I can unlock it manually.  This occurs 100% of the time.  Sometimes when I am inside the lock will not unlock when I try to turn it by hand.

When I left my house this weekend, I set the alarm, but because I was concerned that the lock might not work at all, I left the backdoor unlocked so I had a guaranteed way to enter my house.  Not very safe or secure, but I didn't know what else to do.

I've contacted Simplisafe and they are sending me a new SmartLock, but I still have my concerns.  This problem didn't start until after I had the lock for a few weeks and I am over 30 days into my 60 day return window.  

Even a bigger concern is how this could ever happen.  There should be no reason for the lock to ever malfunction manually.  A key should work 100% of the time.  The thought of my family being trapped inside or outside of my house is not something I even want to think about.

9 Messages

2 years ago

Was this every resolved? Having same issue. Can’t unlock manually from outside

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5.7K Messages

This issue is caused by an error in calibration (i.e. locked and unlocked positions that your Smart Lock remembers are no longer correct). As a result, the Smart Lock keeps trying to turn tighter. It might help to perform a re-calibration, by going through the Device Settings > Smart Lock section of your Keypad Menu.


The latest Smart Lock firmware update also includes optimizations that address this issue. So if you haven't already, we strongly suggest updating. If there's an available update for your Smart Lock, it should show up in the SimpliSafe app Overview tab.

1 Message

I just installed a brand new lock. And I am having the problem. I can lock and unlock the deadbolt manually and also  with the app. But if I lock the door with the app I cannot unlock the door manually. 

I have recalibrated the lock. Did not fix the problem. 

any suggestions?

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5.7K Messages

@Jblattner​ it sounds like your Smart Lock is still jamming. I do know that there's an upcoming firmware update that has further improvements on this issue. Hopefully we'll get that out to you soon!

2 Messages

Same thing is happening to me.  I tried to unlock my front door using manually FROM THE INSIDE and it wouldn't let me out. 

If there was a fire or an emergency, I couldn't even get out of my whole house.. this is horrible.  I was really looking forward to these door locks, but this is incredibly unsafe and now I'm reevaluating my purchases. 

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5.7K Messages

So sorry to hear about your experience. We definitely want to do what we can to prevent this from happening again.

Have you already attempted the Re-Calibrate option in the Keypad Menu? As I previously mentioned, the issue can be caused by the Smart Lock not having the correct position for a full 'lock', so it keeps trying to lock further.

Also, if you check the SimpliSafe app, and if you see an update available for your Smart Lock on the Overview page, I would strongly suggest that you install that update ASAP.

2 Messages

2 years ago

Has anyone permanently resolved this issue by resetting or recalibrating? 

I purchased the lock yesterday 1/16/23 and immediately had the same issue (when the door is locked with the outdoor keypad or the app the door cannot be manually unlocked with a key from the outside or manually from the inside).  As noted, this is a HUGE safety issue.  If no one has had success that lasts, I'll be returning my product. 

1 Message

2 years ago


I just set up my new lock today and have the latest update and this is happening to me. If I lock the door with the pin pad/app/keypad I am unable to unlock it at alll manually. This is a brand new system and I had support walk me through the calibration and update.

This comment was created from this reply

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Hi @orendorffe36​, 

I would recommend you try factory resetting your Smart Lock. You can do that by opening the battery panel and holding the pairing button inside for 16 seconds. When you release, it should disengage from the Base Station, and you can add it back through the Keypad.

1 Message

1 year ago

I just got my 3rd replacement smartlock and I'm still having the issue of if the lock gets locked with the alarm it will unlock with the alarm but not with a key. I am now experiencing what has been mentioned above about not being able to unlock the lock from inside. I just updated the firmware on the lock and still the same issue. What is the fix for this problem? This is becoming extremely frustrating and I'm ready to just get rid of the smartlock all together.

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3.4K Messages

@MalanowskiJ01​ I'm very sorry to hear that you're still experiencing issues manually unlocking your Smart Lock. This sounds like something our engineers would want to investigate further, so I've gone ahead and forwarded your case over to them. Someone will reach out to you soon to get to the bottom of this.

1 Message

1 year ago

I'm having this same issue with a brand new smart lock I just installed. Tech support had me factory reset it, re-calibrate it, and I am running the most recent update too. Still cannot manually unlock or lock it even after unlocking it via the app. They are sending me a replacement but honestly reading all of the above makes me think this is a system/firmware glitch and a replacement lock won't fix my issue. This is very concerning and as others have mentioned, a BIG safety concern. Makes me want to consider a different product because with this issue going back 2+ years it doesn't leave me too confident in SimpliSafe's ability to fix it. 

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3.4K Messages

@batesrt​ I am sorry to hear this, and please know that our engineers are constantly working on improvements to the Smart Lock. I know our Support team has sent you a replacement, but if you run into this issue again please let me know so we can look into this further.

1 year ago

Installed my lock a week ago and this is still an issue.  Concerning it wasn't sent to engineers 2 years ago and even now that SimpliSafe is still sending these locks out knowing there is an issue.  No one wants to be trapped in their house and that is exactly what is happening.

1 Message

1 year ago

Installed two new smart locks in the last couple months and we are having the same issues mentioned above. When the house is disarmed in the morning, neither lock will open manually, they are stuck in the locked position. I have tried recalibration and no luck. Our 3rd door lock that we have had longer works fine and luckily that’s the front door. But our garage and side door do not function properly. I am also a tad concerned reading this post as it has been 2 years and there is still no fix. This is a huge safety issue. 

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5.7K Messages

@alexwalsh0821​ we share your concern, and we want to get those Smart Locks operational ASAP.

The first thing that I will suggest is that you log into the SimpliSafe app, and check the Overview tab, just in case there are any pending firmware updates for any of your Smart Locks. This will ensure that those units have the latest bug fixes. Smart Lock firmware updates are a little different in that your phone needs to be within close range to the Smart Lock in order to work, so you'll want to do this when you're home.

The second thing I'll suggest is a reset. You can follow the step-by-step instructions here.

And finally, if the above two steps don't work, I suggest contacting our Support team. We should get you some replacement units.


3 Messages

1 year ago

This is interesting.  We just bought a new door lock and are experiencing exactly the same safety issue, and it is 2024!

We updated the software and are now able to lock and unlock, but when that lock freezes, you can't move it manually at all.  Why hasn't Simplisafe fixed this?

I worked with tech support and updated my lock, recalibrated, etc.  But honestly, I'm scared to leave the house without someone here who can open the door if it does this!  What if it freezes when everyone is gone and we can't get back in?  We only have one entrance, so that would mean an emergency locksmith......It has left us feeling very uneasy.

I had a different house with a simplisafe lock and never have had an issue like this.  I'm wondering if it is a manufacturing defect.

4 Messages

I have the new smart lock in 2024 as well. SimpliSafe is clearly oblivious to their own design and how the lock functions.

What I can say, is that the lock is operating exactly as it was designed and programmed to do. Essentially, the reason we can’t unlock the deadbolt after locking with the app or keypad is the resistance from the piston inside the lock that turns the deadbolt into the locked position.

I tested my theory today. Locked the deadbolt via app, deadbolt *felt* jammed. Truth is, if you turn the lock hard enough you can hear the mechanics inside the SimpliSafe lock moving. Once you’ve forcibly unlocked it by hand after electronically locking it you can lock and unlock it with ease.

Without tearing the lock completely apart to examine the mechanism that turns the deadbolt I can’t say for certain if it needs a mechanical redesign or a firmware update. 

The lesson I took away from this is if you lock it with the app/keypad you have to unlock it with the app/keypad (or risk breaking your key)

If you locked it by hand or with your physical key you can easily unlock it with your hand or physical key


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