‎disarm simplisafe system when using August Smart keypad linked to wifi smart lock | SimpliSafe Support Home

Sunday, December 13th, 2020 9:54 AM

disarm simplisafe system when using August Smart keypad linked to wifi smart lock

Is it possible to disarm simplisafe system when using August Smart keypad linked to wifi smart lock. I do have both August smart lock and simplisafe smart lock but I am thinking of actually using the August smart lock as I can easily unlock it by voice and the simplisafe smart lock keypad has small buttons and with the keypad being black its difficult to see the numbers. I am trying to have a smart lock that can do features of August smart lock along with being able to disarm the system but able to easily see the number keypad to allow emergency responders to quickly see the numbers and enter a pin in any lighting situation in the case of an emergency as I do have medical conditions that the responders would need to get to quickly. Also allow police to reset the simplisafe alarm after an intrusion alarm happens

Any suggestions?
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