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Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022 10:08 PM


Vibration Alarm for Deaf and Hard-Of-Hearing Users

I need a device that in the event of a break in while I sleep, my security system could send a signal to a receiver that in turn activates a low power bed vibrator that would wake me.  I can hear alerts quite well while awake and using cochlear implant devices, but when sleeping, I am totally deaf and could not hear the alarm even at 105dB.


 I am willing to pay a reasonable amount for this modification.  I think the 105dB Siren can serve as the basis for it.  To my way of thinking, I suspect that disconnecting or removing the speaker to then connect speaker leads through a small transformer to a standard 3.5mm jack to receive a standard 3.5mm plug wired to the vibrator.  Commonly available vibrators operate on 12 to 24 VDC at 0.25 A.  I have a small transformer that is powered from a standard USB 5 V, 2 A power source that boosts voltage to drive a vibrator I use with a traveling alarm clock.  The 105dB Siren operates on 6 VDC; so, I think the modification is feasible, but the battery may need more capacity. 


SimpliSafe should offer a wireless signal device capable of activating a standard bed vibrator and better serve the deaf and hard of hearing   There a SimpliSafe marketing opportunity here that could expand its alarm product offerings to interface with smoke, carbon monoxide, and high-water alarms with a bed vibrator and flashing lights that are signal devices of interest to the deaf and hard of hearing community. 


To my knowledge no such capability integrated with a security alarm is available.  Think about it.



6.3K Messages

2 years ago

@cirwin You are not the first, and unfortunatelyl not the last, to bring this topic up. Simplisafe can improve customer good will, maybe sell a few systems, going beyond the ususal "thanks for posting and we will pass your requests/ideas to our developers" and (gasp, drumroll, rim shot or whatever else it akes to get SS Sr managment to come down from upon high) and actual talk, have a conversation with their customers.

Talk, conversation, interact translate into respect, feeling valued, SS, here you have cirwin taking his or her time to provide very good, well thoughout, detailed ideas. Imagine what would happen if you actually let customers sign up for a webinar on this topic with SS associates in product management, developers etc. Heck, go crazy and even get some of those senior folks in the C suite involved.

I remember not that long ago (okay 10 years but when you are my age it doesn't seem that long ago) when the founder and CEO of SS would be active in the forums.  Not often, but he led by example.  SS, time to step up and bring him or others back to this new community.

End of commerical, now back to our regular programming.......

3 Messages

@captain11​  I had contacted SimpliSafe by email inquiring about a need for a device that would interface a bed vibrator with the SimpliSafe security system, and I did get a quick reply promising to pass my comments on to technicians to verify if it is a project that can be developed.  A month later, I followed-up with a second email to lean if there was any feedback and comment, and to ask if the 105dB Siren could be easily modified.  Again, I received a quick reply basically saying the same thing as before, but it also included a link to the SimpliSafe Community posting site implying that I should consider posting my thoughts there.  The implication being that such a posting is more likely seen and considered by marketing management and development technicians.  

It got your attention.  It remains to be seen if those at SimpliSafe who can act upon and comment about my suggestion will actually do so with meaningful information.

Community Admin


71 Messages

Hi @cirwin,


We agree that this is an area that needs improving upon. Right now, Smart Alerts get you notifications to your phone, which is one great feature for the visually or hearing impaired. But we're always working on future improvements and will continue to do so in this area. 


1.1K Messages

How about a siren with a bright strobe light on it like some companies do, not saying this will help out for this person but it would for a lot. 

2 Messages

2 years ago

Why is Simplisafe fighting so hard NOT to help the hard of hearing??? 

It is a business opportunity and quite frankly a moral obligation.......  And the reasons for NOT doing it is what exactly???  

My wife has had sudden hearing loss and cannot hear the frequencies at which the countdown or Siren sound. She cannot hear a smoke alarm going off next to her.

No amount of "increase the volume" will work when someone cannot process the frequencies.

People are not staring at their phone for an app notification and are not looking at a base station for a color change, which maybe elsewhere in the house 

PLEASE develop two things...an alarm and countdown triggered strobe  and also a vibration device to shake a bed triggered by a smoke alarm when someone is sleeping.

The strobe is beyond easy and has been requested for years.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@Dazza​ we sincerely understand and sympathize. We have loved ones who are hard of hearing as well, and we know the importance of accessibility. When we have news in this regard, we'll keep this Community in the loop.

2 Messages

Instead if a BS platitude please give a time line for addressing this long standing issue or a real explanation why Simplisafe won't address this despite years of requests.

3 Messages

This is a good question, why is SimpliSafe seemingly so resistant to integrate alarm systems for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community?  Is there a technical issue that makes integration difficult?  Is it a marketing issue?  It seems to me that 47 million US citizens is a significant market opportunity.  Is it a legal issue or liability issue?  Or, is it a matter of will?  SimpliSafe does not view this opportunity with any sense of priority.  

I think SimpiSafe needs now to make a definitive statement of "when" or of "why not."  The response: "we will get back to you" is not sufficient.

19 Messages

2 years ago

Hello! I am Sergio Vergara. I am the Fire and Life Safety Educator for the Batesville Fire Department in Batesville, MS. I have been a satisfied user of Simplisafe since 2019. I am here to add to the voices requesting a bed shaker.

As a Fire and Life Safety Educator, my role involves recommending products and best practices to our community members aimed at promoting their safety. I find interconnected detection devices, such as smoke alarms, particularly vital in this respect. The integration of interconnectivity and monitoring in Simplisafe offerings is a feature I deeply appreciate.

The Hearing Loss Association of America estimates that approximately 47 million Americans experience some degree of hearing loss. These individuals cannot solely rely on the life-saving sound of a smoke alarm. A bed shaker is an important device for these individuals as it alerts them when they need it the most: while they're asleep! Including such devices in the Simplisafe product line would greatly expand its reach to these high-risk populations.

The interconnectivity of these alarm devices is crucial for their effectiveness, and I sincerely urge Simplisafe to consider their inclusion in the product range. Simplisafe's ability to wirelessly interconnect devices provides homeowners with the possibility of integrating them into their homes without requiring extensive electrical work. I believe these additions will serve to strengthen Simplisafe's reputation as a leading provider of home safety solutions.

Thank you for considering these proposals. I am confident that these enhancements will significantly benefit our community and the many others Simplisafe serves.

Best regards,

Sergio Vergara Fire and Life Safety Educator


2 Messages

Seems Simplisafe’s systems are not ADA compliant. No non-audible alerts (neither visual strobe light nor bed shaker type components). https://adata.org/factsheet/fire-alarms

4 Messages

10 months ago

I understand that there are devices that can listen for a standard "T3" audio / siren signal used by some smoke detectors and that the device can then turn on other devices like room light, bed shaker etc.
Does the SS smoke alarm use the T3 signal standard?

19 Messages

@RichardOtter​ Yes. Their smokes use the standard T3 pattern. 

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