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Monday, September 25th, 2023 9:06 PM

Not In Development


Status table for Community Product Requests section

Can we please get a page or thread with a list of all requests that users have made that includes when the request was first made, when the request was submitted to SimpliSafe engineering and the status of that request? The status should at minimum indicate whether the request has been accepted or rejected and if accepted, if it's being worked on. I'm not looking for ETAs as I know you're incapable of providing those.

I am 100% sure that every single user of this community is 100% behind this request. Assuming you all have such a list internally (and you obviously do, right?) then it should be trivial to replicate it here and update it every week or month or even quarter.

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

1 year ago

Hi @worthing, 

Currently when new feature request posts are created in the Community, we do comment on it as confirmation that the request has been submitted to our dev team. We also add a status tag to the post that gives an update on the request. This can be found on the upper right side of the post, or underneath the title of the thread when looking at the "Recent Activity" section in the Community. These tags are: Submitted, Not In Development, In Development, and Implemented. 

We keep these tags updated with the most recent information from our dev team. Once a submitted feature request has been brought into development, the tag is changed. 

732 Messages

Yes, I'm aware of that and I appreciate it. It's a marked improvement from years past.

That said, it's virtually impossible to search because the search in this community is not great if I'm being honest. Also if I want a full list of what's being worked on I have to click through 20 different pages. I have no way to sort/filter by status. 

Also I clicked through and there are numerous entries that don't belong in the entry section at all or that don't have a status at all or that have a status and it's wrong because you released the thing the person was asking for. So again, can we please get a one stop, single page, list of everything being worked on that we can filter by dates, status, etc? As you said, you have a forum full of these items so it should take a few hours, max, to create this list if you don't have it already. And if you don't have it already then how on earth are your engineers/product managers keeping track of the stuff we're asking for? (I know they're not coming to the forums to check.)

732 Messages

I can't edit my post but wanted to add, this request is marked as implemented and it has not been implemented. See above for more details on what I am asking for. You all can do better than, "just click through 20 pages of forum posts if you want that info!".



6.1K Messages

@worthing​ I would be happy with something as excotic and advanced as an excel spreadsheet. :-)

732 Messages

@captain11 Heck, give me a CSV file and I'll do the excel import myself!

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@worthing As you know, the Product Requests are brought to the Community by our users, which is why it can sometimes get a little messy. But I personally update the Product Requests section and manually clean it up. I do this on a regular basis, as part of my process of bringing every new idea to our product engineering teams. 

For now, I am focusing on building out the existing functionality in the forum. Next on my plate would be a way of displaying the requests in a way that isn't just a straight up list like other forum posts. But that would require dev time so it would be a while before that happens.

732 Messages

1 year ago

Next on my plate would be a way of displaying the requests in a way that isn't just a straight up list like other forum posts. But that would require dev time so it would be a while before that happens.

Just put it in a Google Sheets and link it to us. Update it every month. We don't need a fancy solution that requires "dev time". Pay an intern or someone else $15/hour to just copy from the forums to a spreadsheet. That's literally all we want right now.

732 Messages

1 year ago


I spent about 5 hours manually copying/pasting all of the entries I could find from the 20 pages of requests into a spreadsheet that shows the title of the request, when it was posted, how long it's been since it was posted, the status of the request (that you all assigned, where you assigned one), and a URL to the request post. Can you all please use this as a starting point to begin tracking the requests and also sharing the spreadsheet with this community so we can also keep track of requests? If you're interested please let me know where to email the spreadsheet. 

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@worthing​ Thank you for all the work you did to put these feature requests into a spreadsheet! When we move forward with a new way to display feature requests it will not be in a spreadsheet layout, but you are more than welcome to publish yours in the Community Buzz section.

732 Messages

@emily_s​ What/where is the "Community Buzz" section? Also, why can't it just go in the product requests and suggestions section since it's literally tracking requests and suggestions? I assume you can pin/sticky a post I make so it stays at the top in that section?

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@worthing​ When creating a new post in the Community, can you select the "Announcements and Updates" category and then set the topic to "Community Buzz"? Perhaps this is just a section the admins can post in, and if so I apologize for my error. Your sheet can of course be posted in the Product Requests section as well.

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