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Friday, July 12th, 2019 7:59 PM


Reorder/rearrange cameras in app and browser

Is there a way in the iPhone app and/or PC browser to reorder or rearrange the cameras other than uninstalling and reinstalling in a different order? If not, please add this ability.



6.3K Messages

6 years ago

@ leenmel5496, unfortunately, at this time, there is no practical way of doing this other than what you already described.  It has been requested before, years ago and maybe someday SS will get around to it.  There are many other things I would like SS to do first, however, like 2FA and the CRC implementation.

@captain11​ Did they maybe someday get around to it?  ...I cannot figure it out, if they did, and am keen to do so.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@michaeljamesmichaelmurphy​ currently this feature request is Submitted, but we can't yet confirm that it's being worked on.

For all ideas in the Product Requests and Suggestions section, you'll see the current status on the top right of the post.

1 Message

Looking for this functionality. Please add soon! Thx



6.3K Messages

@michaeljamesmichaelmurphy​ About a year late and a dollar short with my reply, but no, SS has not yet let you arrange the cameras but they did institute 2FA.  SS, how about it? Let a user tap and move the cameras in any order they want.  Still not a prioirity for me but seems darn simple to do.

248 Messages

5 years ago

Me too.                             
The cameras show up in the app in the order they are installed, and there is no way to rearrange them.  That is a big miss.  I'm going to have to uninstall and reinstall the camera I want on top.  Pain in the butt.  And like 2FA, CRC, and so many other useful requested features, manual rearrangement will never be implemented.

7 Messages

5 years ago

Agree.  This would be nice for the new door locks as well as the cameras.

1 Message

5 years ago

The cameras arrange in alphabetical order. I just titled mine using a number first (1,2,3, etc) then the camera name and the app arranged them in the order of the numbers. Much easier than re-installing.

1 Message

I tried adding number in front and it didn't change anything except having a number in front. Is there anything else you did?

1 Message

In the app, it's indoor cameras first in alphabetical order, then outdoor cameras.

On the desktop, it's still in the order you added them.

I just tried this, and it did work as chrisw60 and Da_Matser described.

It is not really a great solution, but better than nothing.

1 Message

@chrisw60​ It's not working for me, like @mbauer1649 stated I tried to add numbers (1, 2, 3) to the front of the names and it didn't rearrange them in that order in my app, I then tried adding letters (a, b, c) in front and that didn't work either. Is there something else you did to get it to reorder?  Thanks!

2 Messages

5 years ago

It would be nice to be able to shuffle or organize the cameras once they are installed. For convenience, we just had a baby and using this like a monitor. It's listed below all my others. It would just be nice to be able to move it to the top.


Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Rearrange Cameras in-app

2 years ago

I reposted this question @ https://support.simplisafe.com/conversations/cameras/how-does-one-reorder-camera-views-in-iphone-app/641e33d56256c01104962a12

2 Messages

1 year ago

I want to rearrange the order of the cameras on the SimpliSafe as I want to see front door before back door (SimpliSafe default: alphabetical order). This feature should have been part of default setting as many apps have this setting. Please keep up, SS! Thanks!

2 Messages

Workaround: I renamed Front Door as "a. Front Door" and "b. Back Door" and the order is now how I would like them to be. (Default - alphabetical order)

1 Message

1 year ago

I agree with many of the people who have posted. It is ridiculous that you cannot move the camera views around on a computer. A good coder could fix this in a short time. 

19 Messages

11 months ago

In the Windows Web App for SimpliSafe it is very frustrating that you cannot change the order in which the Cameras appear in the App to a more user-friendly way of watching them.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Web App Camera arrangement

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

Hi @rrjak​, 

Your post sounded similar to the product request in this thread, so I moved it here. We have submitted this idea to our devs for their consideration. I do not have any news at this time, but once we hear more from them we will provide an update in this thread.

@emily_s​ Emily, can you speak to why SimpliSafe has not added this functionality to the app yet ?  As several users mentioned, it's been 5 years since customers started requesting it. It's starting to look like the company doesn't care.  

1 Message

6 months ago

it has been 5 years and you still cannot shift the order of the cameras? really? 

The app allows you to swipe from one camera to the next in line. Pretty handy if you are following someone's path around your house. UNLESS, the camera order cannot be adjusted to make that happen smoothly, of course. 

1.5K Messages

@gpomaro​ "The app allows you to swipe from one camera to the next in line"

Dang, never tried that, even an old dog can learn new tricks.👍 Extra free features.

I wonder if they know?😂🤔

Even my cheap cams allows reorder in their app. And many other features this one will never have.

2 Messages

4 months ago

Please make it so.



6.3K Messages

@jaf​ Two months late but just saw your post. Love the Captain Picard reference! Happy Holidays, "Engage!!"

2 Messages

1 month ago

The ability to rearrange the order of devices should be a standard feature. Seeing its been asked for years tells me they are not capable of this .....but they are very capable of raising the monthly monitoring rates. 

2 Messages

1 month ago

The ability to rearrange devices should be a standard feature....seeing its been asked for years tells me they are not capable of this.....but they are very capable of raising the monthly monitoring rates.

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