‎Product Manager host an interactive webinar on Outdoor Cameras | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Sunday, July 17th, 2022 5:42 PM

Not In Development


Product Manager host an interactive webinar on Outdoor Cameras

Since the release of the outdoor camera, there have been many postings on favorable and unfavorable experiences.  While my two outdoor cameras, connected to AC, have performed relatively well, they still are not as fast to stream, or as stable, as my 3 Simplicams. There are other customers who have experienced ok performance but others experience far worse with connectivity and performance issues.  A product manager and a technical specialist, hosting a webinar would make a perfect web event for the community.

Let me get the anticipated responses and hurdles out of the way. Yes, SS, you have said interactive events are planned in the future, good idea etc, planning and staffing issues etc etc etc.  Here's thought: skip the excuses and, with homage to Nike, "Just do it". No excuses. There are plenty of off the shelf products that can you use, and, if you need techinical assistance, I am sure the students at Purdue working on the phone app project, will be more than happy to help out.

Simplisafe, you can, and need, to do better.

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