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Monday, July 24th, 2023 1:41 AM


Outdoor camera

I just bought a new system and didn’t know that the outdoor camera’s could not be set differently by off, home or away.  Is this going to be fixed or do I need to get other cameras?

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Outdoor Camera Motion Tied to Alarm System Armed State (Home/Away/Off)



6.2K Messages

1 year ago

@jeanie_walker I believe this has already been requested but best to wait for SS to repsond to your post for status.  The best you can hope for is that its been submitted and under review at this time, but you are correct, you can not set the camera status by system state.

4 Messages

@captain11​ thank you.  I don’t know if I am going to wait for that change.  It goes through the battery too fast and records when there is no motion except for bugs flying around.  I have them set on people.



6.2K Messages

@jeanie_walker​ A few suggestions. The outdoor camera has excellent night vision, so I do not turn on the spotlight. As far as the bugs, try setting motion (if you haven't already) to people only and med sensitivity.  Both my outdoor cameras do very well on motion for people only (although hail an snow storms are tough) and they are both powered by AC.  There are solar panels you can use too.

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

1 year ago

Hi @jeanie_walker, 

Captain11 is correct, the Outdoor Camera was designed to be active at all times, it is not bound to the system's armed state. This is a popular request that has been submitted to our dev team, though. When we hear any news from them, an update will be provided in this thread

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