‎Manually trigger Siren on Outdoor Cameras | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Saturday, November 11th, 2023 1:03 PM


Manually trigger Siren on Outdoor Cameras

Since the outdoor cameras have a siren built in to go off during an alarm, I would love to see an option to go in app and manually set a siren off on a desired camera like other companies do, eufy, ring, reolink they all let you do it. Sometimes I will get a ton of notifications while at work and look into cameras and it's geese lol and my neighbor has ring and he just hits the siren on a camera and of course the run inmy yard and I'm yelling in mine but nothing. Just would be a nice thing to have to help scare off things like that.



6.3K Messages

1 year ago

@lance843 2nd that suggestion, and to remind SS, its been out there before, and a long time ago. SS, don't hesitate for any concerns on negatively impacting battery life. As lance843 and others have positioned the request, it would be on the customer to whether to use it or not. Both my outdoor cameras are on AC so using an on demand siren feature wouldn't be a battery issue and, again, even those cameras on battery only, its the customer who owns it making the call.

Please consider Lance's post as an official request, log it and provide a response that it will be at least considered (I do apologize if it already shows "submitted" in the community).

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

1 year ago

Hello @lance843, 

Thank you for this suggestion! I will forward it to our devs for their consideration.

5 Messages

1 year ago

It would be an amazing feature to be able to play a siren sound on the fly on the simply safe app for all the cameras with speakers in them. I just experienced an issue today that would have been great to just play a siren sound instead of telling a creepy guy to go away. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Play siren from doorbell camera or outdoor camera

5 Messages

I'm not looking to set off the alarm for authorities, just looking to play a siren sound to scare off an unwanted guest at your door. 

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

Hi @biohazard156​,

Your post sounded similar to this request, so I merged it here. We have submitted this feature to our dev team, and once we hear more from them we'll provide an update in this thread! 


2 Messages

1 year ago

I agree.  Simply safe products are not cheap and this should definitely be an option.  

2 Messages

1 year ago

I agree.  Simply Safe products are very expensive and it should be an option for customers. 

1 Message

6 months ago

Would like to echo the requests here: we need the ability to set off any siren we choose from the App to scare off potential intruders while looking from a camera

2 Messages

4 months ago

This is a very important feature for peace of mind. If we are out of the house and see an intruder trying to break in, we should not have ot wait until they've actually broken in to sound an alarm. We should be able to trigger the siren, so hopefully they get startled, worry that neighbours might come and investigate and just leave. Better for everyone. The original request was made a year ago and nothing has happened. In the meantime, no other improvements have been rolled out to the platform. Simplisafe, you have to keep improving and listening to your customers or they will go elsewhere.

2 months ago

Anything on this yet? This is a big feature for outdoor cameras that is lacking with Simplisafe.  If I had known this wasn't possible I would've bought a Ring system. 


1.1K Messages

@foothillsbeautyloungemn​ yea I haven't heard anything yet and it might have been put on the back burner. There is even a cheap Chinese company called aosu and they are cheap but still have this feature and I'm not talking about making the actual system siren go off I'm just wanting to pick a camera and hit the siren button and scare off animals that like to use our yard as party central lol. Plus if you get a notification and look to see it's someone looking in your cars or something to hit the siren for a camera and scare them. I would love to have where it can say things like hi you are now being recorded like ring or cpi security has it where if ypu go in view there cameras will make a loud bird whistle. It's the simple things that make me happy. 

1.5K Messages

@lance843​ My cheapies do multiple cameras sirens with a Button widget and an automation in the app, locally and remotely and do that, Yo you're being recorded thing. If I want them to.

I've seen Ring videos online scare car break-in thieves away with that simple announcement. Doesn't cost $80 per month either.🥴😜

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