‎Freezer Alarm | SimpliSafe Support Home

Thursday, December 10th, 2020 6:26 PM


Freezer Alarm

Hi SimpliSafe,

Please consider adding freezer alarms to your device offerings.  I have a chest freezer full of meat and last summer I lost hundreds of dollars of meat due to a tripped breaker servicing the freezer and I didn't discover it until days later.  I currently have cheap digital alarm attached to it but it would be great if I could have a device connected to the SimpliSafe system to notify me if the freezer goes above a set temperature.  I imagine this would be popular as many people have an extra freezer/fridge that they don't necessarily check daily.


2.2K Messages

4 years ago

The SS3 temperature sensors have both an upper alarm point and lower alarm point.  Unfortunately, it does not work as a freezer alarm, as (at least my) freezers dip below 0 now and again, and that is the lowest you can set the lower value to and so there are a lot of false triggers..

3 Messages

Could the sensor be altered to change the set points? Or simply designate this sensor as a freezer sensor and ignore the lower set point. Seems this could be done in soft/firmware.

3 Messages

4 years ago

I think that is an EXCELLENT suggestion. I have thought of this too. It would be very useful for people living in a home and people with additional properties, like vacation homes.  

This would also be an invaluable quality-adding device that would certainly attract subscribers and keep existing subscribers.

4 years ago

I'm not the first to suggest it, but I think it's a topic worth repeating: My SimpliSafe system would be of considerably higher value with a freezer alarm.  My limited research shows that freezer alarms fall into two categories.  The first are the manual ones that simply emit a noise/light response when the freezer is failing, which is fine if you're there when it fails, but completely useless if you're not.  The second category includes those that send you a text/email when the freezer fails, which has the disadvantage of requiring a monthly/yearly subscription.  

The solution is obviously SimpliSafe, as the company already has access to a system of remote notifications and has me paying a recurring subscription fee.  I don't want to re-purpose the SimpliSafe Temperature Sensor as a makeshift freezer alarm, as others have suggested.  I want a dedicated freezer alarm integrated into my SimpliSafe system.  This could not be that difficult, and I expect that it would give SimpliSafe as a company an advantage in marketing over companies like ADT who do not appear to have a freezer alarm as of yet.

I am open to suggestions, but I believe SimpliSafe would be much better off with a freezer alarm as part of their lineup.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Freezer Alarm

2.2K Messages

Actually, the new SS3 temperature sensor could do the job very easily, if they allowed selecting only an upper temperature alarm.  I have tried using it as a freezer alarm and it actually worked very well most of the time.  Except my freezer dips below zero on occasion, and zero is the lowest you can set the lower alarm to, thus providing unacceptable false alarms.  

A shame, I would have bought 5 of them for all the freezers in the house and motorhome.

2.2K Messages

Actually, the new SS3 temperature sensor could do the job very easily, if they allowed selecting only an upper temperature alarm.  I have tried using it as a freezer alarm and it actually worked very well most of the time.  Except my freezer dips below zero on occasion, and zero is the lowest you can set the lower alarm to, thus providing unacceptable false alarms.  

A shame, I would have bought 5 of them for all the freezers in the house and motorhome and might actually have activated my SS3 system. Without that benefit, my SS2 system already installed works perfectly fine, so not a lot of incentive to tear it out and risk the SS3 system not being as annoyance free.

5 Messages

Yes,   I have been asking for a freezer alarm for some time

5 Messages

Yes,  Please provide this interface

4 Messages

How can I turn off the temperature alarms? The thermometer in the freezer seems to work to low temperatures, so I can check them to see if they are staying at temperature.

8 Messages

3 years ago

Hi all, I have a Gen3 system installed at my second home.  On a recent visit I was greeted by a awful smell and mess due to a failed refrig/freezer compressor.  In addition to the smell and mess I lost all the contents of the freezer, which although was not a serious loss, could have been avoided if I had been alerted to the failure quickly enough.  Wondering if SimpliSafe may have a solution to this, such as perhaps a sensor that would work opposite of the Low Temp Alarm?  Or if anyone may have a thought?   Thank you 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Refrigerator / Freezer Monitor

2.2K Messages

The SS3 temperature sensor has both a high temperature alert and a low temperature alert.  I tried to use it as a freezer alarm and it was a problem, as my freezer occasionally dips below the lowest allowed set point, 0.  It does however, work very well when the upper setting is exceeded.  So although it does not seem practical to use as a freezer alarm (unless yours has a very stable temperature setting), it should work fine as a fridge alarm.  I didn't do anything to use it as a freezer alarm, but it was quite close to the base so any signal blocked by the freezer wall was not a factor.  You might need to add an external antenna if the location is far away from the base. 

8 Messages

What is the upper setting?

8 Messages

What is the upper temperature setting? 

147 Messages

Looks like it'll go as high as 127°F.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Right, the Temperature Sensor can trigger for both an upper threshold (max 127F) and lower threshold (min 0F).

The key challenge in using this sensor for a refrigerator (and indeed, this would be the case for any SimpliSafe sensor) is that the radio communication would have extreme trouble trying to pass through metal, let alone any other insulation layer in there. So it is not likely to work reliably.

1 Message

1 year ago

Reviving an old discussion.  It’s now late 2023 and still no specific monitor for freezers/refrigerators.   Come on SimpliSafe…your customers need this functionality!!  Why is it so difficult to develop a sensor specific to this?

17 Messages

1 year ago

A number of systems have remote freezer monitors that easily communicate through the fridge/freezer so it should not be an issue for simplisafe to do the same

11 months ago

I put my sensor in the fridge and it works, but my fridge is close to the base station.

3 Messages

11 months ago

Will 2024 be the year that Simplisafe adds this solution?

17 Messages

Probably not, they can't even fix the performance mode.

4 Messages

@RLF​ Unfortunately, it seems like SimpliSafe is more interested in chasing the latest fad of "AI" than improving the core functioning of their system. They are still lacking geofencing, which is even advertised on their website on a page that is years old, yet there's absolutely no hint of the feature.

Altering the code to allow a temperature sensor to ignore the low threshold should be a matter of 15 minutes of coding and a few hours of verification, and yet here we are many years later and there's *nothing*.

If I'd know this all before getting a system, I would have probably done a lot more intensive research into competitors that actually do pay attention to their customers' feature requests and implement them, and gone with them.  As it is, when I have a spare moment I'll probably do that research and see if it's worth switching.

1 Message

5 months ago

Please consider a power loss alarm. The problem with the freezer is that it loses power due to GFCI tripping during thunderstorms. By the time it gets warm in there, it's already too late.  I don't ever want to turn it off, so no need for a power switch. But a pass through power outlet would be great. Continuing with the temperature sensor freezer alarm, it may need a remote wire so that the sender unit is outside the metal enclosure of the freezer.

@stephen5ed05b​ - I wouldn't have a freezer on a GFCI.  A very low shock risk.  You cannot put smoke detectors on GFCI either.

2 Messages

3 months ago

You should add temperature sensors for use in freezers to alert to high temperatures.  You could base it on the design of the La Crosse Mobile Alerts sensors.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Temperature sensor for freezer

2.2K Messages

They have this in SS3.  Unfortunately, you MUST have both a high temp  and a low temp set, and the lowest you can set it to is 0.  Every freezer I have dips below zero on occasion, so I can't use the sensor for that.

2 Messages

I have a freeze sensor,  I don’t think it works because it always says th e temp is 70 degrees even when the house is at 50.

750 Messages

Then you have a faulty sensor. I have several in my house, garage and even 1 under my house in the crawlspace and they are all reasonably accurate for the spaces they're in. (I'm reading 60 degrees in my crawlspace as I type this and 71 upstairs.)  The one time I tested one in the refrigerator it also reflected an accurate temperature for the space though the housing of the refrigerator obviously drastically cut down on the range.

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@weinstei​ When was the last time you refreshed your SimpliSafe mobile app? The Temperature Sensor shows a reading from the last time the app was refreshed, so you'll want to refresh your app by pulling down on the screen or by tapping the 🔄 icon to get the Temperature Sensor's latest reading. 

If your app has recently been refreshed and the Temperature Sensor is still showing an incorrect reading, then there may be an issue with your sensor as Worthing mentioned. I would then recommend reaching out to our Support team, as we may need to replace that sensor.

2 Messages

I agree you should add Temperature sensors for freezers to your line of products. You already have Temperature sensors, just change the range to be between -20F to +15F.

1 Message

1 month ago

From a software development stand point.

Very simple change.....  Be able to disable the above or below triggers with a check box... 

so you can trigger based on only one or both if you like to...

Please do this simple change and update your web interface for it....


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