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Monday, August 12th, 2024 6:55 PM


Extender for Base Station

I am a big fan of Simplisafe and have been a subscriber for years.  I do have a suggestion that would address what I see as the single biggest obstacle for people with large homes or with irregular layouts:  Base Station location and connection to all sensors.  Both in my house and in my daughter's house, placement of the base station in a location that allows continuous connection to all sensors/keypads/cameras is next to impossible.  So here is my suggestion/question:  Is it possible for SimpliSafe to design and offer a Base Station Extender that operates similarly to wifi extenders that are available on the market?  A product offering such as this would allow complete connection to all sensors/cameras/keypads regardless of house size or layout.  

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Sensor range extender/booster/repeater

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

5 months ago

Hi @brucetomei, 

Yes, at this time we do have a recommended Wi-Fi extender, but we do not have a range extender for our Base Station or sensors. This is a product request that we have submitted to our devs for their consideration - we'll bubble this request back up to them!

7 Messages

This upgrade is one that is URGENTLY needed! That, or we need the ability to somehow connect and use a second base station as a system extender to enhance signal reach. I have a 2k sq ft house (2 story), and the range from the base station - placed in the center of my home - cannot reach each outside wall for outside camera. It’s only 35-40 ft! A repeater or extender for the SimpliSafe signal (not WiFi - my wifi connection and speeds are excellent) would entirely fix this issue.



6.3K Messages

@pearcenm Unfortunately a repeater for the SS3 will not help for your outdoor cameras. They connect via WIFI.  The OD cameras and doorbell pro in my 2600 sq ft 2 story home work fine but it take a bit of testing and reconfiguration of my Google WIFI mesh to accomplish that.  A call to Google 1 support did the trick, where the agent recommend that I take my 3 points (bought at costco years next to my router point after doing a factory reset. Then moved them back to their original positions and, after using the app "Netspot" found a location in our master bedroom almost directly in the middle of our 2 outdoor cameras, one in the back of the house facing due east and one in the front facing due west. Result: perfectly operating cameras, outdoor and doorbell pro.

Yes, I agree, upfront, a bit of work to get to this point but they have been working fine since I did it. As far as sensors, those in my basement, attached 2 car garage, 1st and 2nd floors, all 30+ of them are also doing fine. Please note I have vinyl siding and wood frame construction, no brick.

If you need assistance, try also calling support and send them your floor plan. I did that back in 2012 when I got my first SS2 system and their input greatly assist me placing my motion detectors, but that is a whole other story.

Hope some of this helps. To you and your family, a very happy holiday weekend.

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