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Monday, July 25th, 2022 3:34 PM


Edit/Arrange List of Devices

I've had to replace a sensor. When I added the new, the software placed the newly added sensor at the bottom of the list. I like my devices grouped together. I cannot see a way to "Edit the List."

Official Solution

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

3 years ago

Hi @tommytaylor90 ,

I'm assuming that you're asking about the list in the Devices section of your Keypad's Menu? I took the liberty of moving your thread to the Suggestions section, as we don't have that feature yet.

Sensors are of course already grouped together in the SimpliSafe app.


3 Messages

To be clear, I'm talking about in the app and on the website.  The keypad is really a secondary thing for me.

3 Messages

@davey_d​ any idea if sorting / rearranging the order of devices will be possible in the near future?  I had to remove a sensor and re-add it to my system and it is now listed at the bottom of the list.  I would like to be able to move the sensor to the middle of the list. 

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@davidsimas​ We've submitted this feature request to our dev team for their consideration, but we have not heard back from them on whether it will be brought into development or not. Once we hear more we'll provide an update in this thread. 


1 Message

Any way to have the dev team look at this sooner rather than later?  Getting devices ordered by name in the app should be a rather easy mod. 

747 Messages

Look through the list of suggestions / requests and see how many are years old and I think you'll find your answer. It's extremely unlikely you'll see this functionality soon based on what we've seen in the past.

That said you USED to be able to rename sensors and cameras to cause them to show up in specific orders. (I posed about this a LONG time ago but i can't find the post anymore.) You could do this because the list was ordered based on the names of the cameras in alphanumeric order with uppercase letters having priority over lower case letters. Again, this USED to work but it may not work anymore and you'll need to test it yourself to see if it does.

Also remember if you decide to tinker with this that the list doesn't automatically update. You have to pull down to manually refresh the list every. single. time. (Or, again, you used to.) I'm not suggesting this is a fix by any means but it may give you a workaround in the meantime if you desperately need this functionality.

61 Messages

3 years ago

  • Allow sorting of the devices name.
  • Show percentage of battery on Outdoor Camera.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled iPhone app feature request

138 Messages

  • Arming reminders via geo fence...

2 Messages

2 years ago

I want the Device list on my PC in the order I choose. 

As long as I'm asking, Could you make the devices that are not in their normal state shaded or highlighted in someway.  I had some trouble locating my devices as we were adding them.  They had been named in advance so when I had help we were just installing switches, not naming devices on the key pad or PC.

3 Messages

2 years ago

I would like to see the feature for editing the sensor list order added as well please. Seems like a pretty universal capability to re-order lists. 

5 Messages

2 years ago

I totally agree. Had to replace a defective entry sensor. The replaced sensor was grouped with all the other entry sensors, on the Device page. The new sensor ended up at the bottom of all devices. I can find no way that I can move the new sensor up to where all the entry sensors are located on the Device page.

4 Messages

We just did the same thing.  This seems to be a simple edit that should be allowed on the app or website.  Why SS hasn't figured this out is beyond me.

1 Message

2 years ago

Jumping in to say I'd also like to be able to arrange my devices. I'm using the iphone app. When changing batteries in the entry sensors, they refuse to come back online, so I have to remove and reinstall. this puts them at the bottom of the list. I'd like to have my doors listed in order.

1 Message

Adding my support for a way to order the devices on both the keypad and the app.  This could be as simple as sorting the device names in ascending alpha order.  I can edit the device names to get the order I want.

I've tried several methods to sort devices. All failed. Isn't a year or two long enough to wait for such a simple mod?

3 Messages

1 year ago

Quality of life improvement!  That's what this is about, and not being able to arrange my DOORS to the top of the list is really a painful experience.  Also, being able to differentiate "Entry Sensors" into "Doors" and "Windows/Other" seems like a smart separation too since Doors and Windows are very different things in our daily lives.  As a new member with two homes, I want to put my vote of "YES" behind this being a very important feature!

1 Message

1 year ago




6.3K Messages

1 year ago

@SS While you are hard at work on this, don't forget the request to be able to export and download the list to Excel!!

2 Messages

1 year ago

Why is this post 1.5 years old and the function is still the same?  This is a simple software command. Highlight, right-click, organize, A-Z.  Can we make that happen, please?

5 Messages

1 year ago

I feel since the founder sold this company, the new company doesn't care one bit about customer service. They only want sales, sales, sales, sales!!!!!

Maybe time to look for another vendor for home security that has REAL customer service !!




6.3K Messages

@tommytaylor90​ I agree with you, SS is not the company it was when Mr. Laurans was working with his wife in their kitchen to release the next system, but that is, like many things, a two-sided coin., good and bad at the same time.  In the "how quickly things get done" category, it's a mixed bag, where the company has much more resources to get an action done, but there are also more layers to review and approve. When private, the company had one charter, that of the owner, and I can personally tell you sometimes I thought good things happened and other times not. Move forward to today, and it's the same, just on a much larger scale.

In the end, however, the real test is how the company responds when it falls short.  Feature requests, like opinions, everyone has them. Communication is key. Perfect no, but definitely how Simplisafe responds is to me infinitely better than the likes of ADT and other security companies out there. After 35+ systems recommended and placed, I say Simplisafe is still the best overall value and solution in the industry.  That said, SS, get off your duffs and work harder!

11 Messages

11 months ago

I've recently moved our SS system to our new house and added about 20 new sensors.  When one of the sensors stopped communicating, I had to delete and "rebuild" the sensor. When I added it back with the same name, the software placed the newly re-added sensor at the bottom of the list. We ith so many devices now, It would be helpful to have devices listed sequentially/alphabetically within a group.

I cannot see any way to rearrange device on the list.




6.3K Messages

@spc8784820​ Unfortunately, at this time you can't, even though it has been requested many times for years. SS, this is a relatively minor coding effort and should have been done a long time ago, including the ability to export the list.

3 Messages

I 100% agree.  I had yet another sensor fail on me and so when I added a new sensor, it made its way to the bottom on the list.  Maybe its my OCD kicking in and wanting me to rearrange the list, I am slowly starting to get tired of the equipment failing.

11 Messages

Not OCD.  The whole SS community seems to want this basic functionality.

Sadly, SS doesn't seem to have the focus on Customer satisfaction that they once had.

5 Messages

9 months ago

Yes!  Both Manual or Alphabetical sort feature in Device settings on the App and on the Keypad!

1 Message

7 months ago

I would very much like this as well. 

5 Messages

7 months ago

Has anyone had issues with entry sensors that work for months then suddenly “stop responding”, then a few days later “reconnect themselves?”  Makes for a very undependable system.  

5 Messages


11 Messages

Yes.This started when we moved to our new house.  SS told me everything from "you mounted the sensor wrong" to "it shouldn't be mounted to a steel door" (???!!!).  They would NOT understand that the other identically mounted and distanced sensors were fine.

I finally moved the base unit from inside a bookcase cupboard to the shelf above.


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