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bassnchris's profile

Saturday, September 3rd, 2022 8:52 PM


disarm with google home

It would be great to have the option to disarm from Google/Alexa so the customer could choose how they want to set it up.

My garge door opener uses a PIN to raise the garge door.....Just say Hey Google, Open my garage door. Google asks for the PIN.

Speak the PIN and the door opens.

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Disarm via Google Assistant / Amazon Alexa option

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

2 years ago

Hi @bassnchris ,

You're on the right track as to why unlocking is not available by voice command - it's the authentication piece. The option of speaking the PIN might be a security risk, because you don't know who might be listening nearby. But it's a good thing to bring to our devs anyway!

67 Messages

2 years ago

@davey_d​  - Your argument doesn't hold water. If you're in a public place, you disarm using the app and not Google assistant. Simple.

If I'm in a public place, I'm not using voice commands for anything to begin with.  If this was such a concern, why would your competition allow this functionality and many of your customers want it? I'm talking smart locks AND alarm systems allowing full Google assistant and Amazon Alexa integration.

I'm sure that Google and Alexa wouldn't allow for this functionality to exist if it indeed were such a great security risk. 

The above being said though, it seems as if new functionally requests are falling upon deaf ears.


67 Messages

2 years ago

Also Davey, using voice commands to disarm a system while at home or in the privacy of your own car is a security risk while being forced to share login credentials is NOT a security risk? It boggles the mind.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

2 years ago

@dczubacki to be clear, I'm not making an argument against your suggestion. I'm just offering an explanation to why disarming via voice command is not available as an option right now.

But as for our user accounts being set up for single-user login - to be fair, we do have multi-factor authentication, so even if your username/password was ever compromised, there would still be a second layer to prevent unauthorized access. But you're right, and multi-user login is already in the works. It will take some time, but it's coming.


67 Messages

@davey_d​ Thank you for the update about multi-user logins. 

Please understand that my frustration is not directed at you personally.  I'm just frustrated that ADT (my previous system which i left due to cost) is becoming more closely integrated with Google (and Matter) while SimpliSafe appears to be dragging it's heels. Smart Home integration is the future of security systems and Simplisafe will have "play nice" with this integration in order to stay competitive. 

Give the customer base what they want. Not that you have to succumb to every wish-list item but if a sizeable portion of the people in this forum are asking for the same thing, well ...... 

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