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whyamistilltalking's profile

Saturday, November 13th, 2021 5:32 PM


Camera Status Light as a per-mode setting

I like the options of being able to control the the privacy shutter on the indoor cameras according to which mode my system is in. For example set them for closed when "Home" and open when in "Away" mode. I wish SS would add the same ability to customize the Status Light setting. For example, have the status light ON for Off and Home modes (so I realize I'm being recorded!) and status light OFF for Away modes so when someone breaks in they don't see a flashing light telling them they are being recorded!


Community Admin


5.7K Messages

3 years ago

Hi whyAMiStillTaLkIng,

That's an interesting suggestion. I'll send it up.

Though assuming that you have the Privacy Shutter closed when in Home Mode, you'd hear it snap open as soon as it starts recording. So those who are not hard-of-hearing would probably hear it, even without a visual indicator!

- Davey D.
Community Development Manager
SimpliSafe Home Security



6.1K Messages

3 years ago

@Davey D I have 3 Simplicams where the privacy shutter is down only when the system is off. Home or away, they are open so "pre roll" recording is in play. No privacy concerns as when the system is on in home mode we are only upstairs asleep.  Now give me the ability to alrm in "off mode" for certain sensors and we can avoid complicated zones. I have 3 basement windows that have not been open in 30+ years.
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