‎Camera Notifications and/or Recording Snooze | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Saturday, April 23rd, 2022 6:45 PM


Camera Notifications and/or Recording Snooze

Provide the ability to snooze notifications and/or recordings for x amount of time. Allow user to do this themselves in app; also consider push notifications asking user if they want to snooze after motion has been triggered so many times in some time frame. 

It's annoying to get multiple notifications when you expect high traffic.

If you're running on battery, you may want to snooze recording when expecting high traffic and no need for recording. 

Could also reduce network traffic, and SimpliSafe processing needs by allowing snooze feature. 

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Feature request - Ability to schedule motion detection functionality on wireless outdoor cameras

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