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Thursday, June 27th, 2024 11:28 PM

Doorbell only rings if I hold down the doorbell button

The old doorbell button still works.  The Simplisafe doorbell only works while the button remains pressed. Let go of the button and it stops ringing.

I found a 5 year old post with the same problem.  He gave up and returned the system. I'm hoping that 5 years later there is a solution.

And yes, I did get the chime sent to me to fix it but it did not fix it.




6.3K Messages

8 months ago

@bjreed3 My doorbell pro works fine, but do have a friend that had several fry until a tech speciailist walked him through a few troubleshooting steps, found an incompatible chime strike unit on the circuit, he replaced and no issues since. Suggest you call support, if agent is no help, politely ask to be escalated. I have 35+ systems placed, dozens have the doorbell pro and works as expected.

Please post your outcome here if you get a chance.

2 Messages

Thanks Captain11.  I spoke to support again and they say it won't work with a digital doorbell.   I had to ask how I could tell if my doorbell is digital and should have known the speaker would be strong indicator. Lol.

So I need to get a mechanical one but I now have another problem.  It doesn't seem to have a transformer or if it does it's buried in the wall or attic.

Do you know if a digital doorbell would have to have a transformer?

In over my head it seems 

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@bjreed3​ Ah! Yes, the Video Doorbell Pro is not compatible with digital doorbells - it does need to be hooked up to a mechanical doorbell. Do you happen to know if your doorbell is wired or wireless? If your doorbell is wired, it should have a transformer that supplies it power.




6.3K Messages

@bjreed3​ I just came back to this thread, sorry for the delay. I see Emily responsed. My doorbell (mechanical chime) has transformer in the basement ceiling, in a drop panel ceiling so yes, I can get to it.  For yours, if you have a basement look there in the ceiling. No basement, check closets. If no luck, ask a neighbor who has the same model house. They may know.

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