1 Message
My system keeps beeping consistently
My base station keeps beeping consistently. I can't see anything wrong in the dashboard or via the keypad. Here is a video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/u79c3lm4pqzg8wl45d7s0/IMG_1994.MP4?rlkey=yo3yohuy5ay16712qajjq5cva&dl=0
Any ideas?
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
1 year ago
Hi @TenaciousT ,
That's definitely the Trouble Signal, indicating that there's a critical issue with the system's function that needs to be address. You can learn more about it here.
Normally though, the Keypad should have a message in the Notification <!> section. Could you try pulling down on the Dashboard of the SimpliSafe app? That will refresh the info in the app in case it's outdated. if anything is wrong, you should see a message at the top - perhaps something like "1 Device not responding" or indicating a low battery.