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Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021 2:19 PM

SS Position on Amazon Sidewalk? Cricket, cricket......

While I am as loyal as any Simplisafe customer, I am also one that will quickly point out that the MarCom dept of the company usually seems to be at a never ending business luncheon and never does actually that much.

This post is in this vein as we are on the eve of the release of the previously announced Amazon Sidewalk initiative.  Right or wrong, I already made up my mind that although I am a neighborly, friendly type, I don't share my connected devices, or network, for that matter, with my neighbors or, even worse, strangers that happen to walk or drive by.  My default in my Echo app is "disabled" and checked daily, at least until after the official launch date. While a nice idea on concept, the risks it poses as a new software endeavor and my security system is on it gives me all reason not to participate.  SS3, along with my Google WIFI, does go beyond the 4 walls of my house and I don't need to tempt someone to find a leak.
What are others doing? Post here. Simplisafe, what do you think? Johnny M, you do a great job but why don't you go out to lunch (extended by the way with a few adult cocktails as you deserve it) and ask one of the Marcom minions to pick up some of the weight and cover this and other topics in the non existent CRC? Okay, will even settle for a post in this thread. Thanks!

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

4 years ago

I'd like to point out, Captain, that I'm here with you almost every day! There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes, which is why I was appointed as your forum guardian.

For those who aren't up on the latest news, Sidewalk is a new feature that Amazon is rolling out soon for all owners with an Echo smart speaker, which will share a limited amount of your internet with passers by - sort of creating a mesh network for your neighborhood. It's certainly generating a lot of buzz in tech circles!

We wouldn't make an official comment on Amazon Sidewalk, since it's not really related to what we do per se. But you know our position on when it comes to privacy - you can't have real security without it! At the same time, we also believe in our customers being able to make an informed choice.
So if you do want to opt out, you should know that the feature goes live for all Echo users on Tuesday, June 8th 2021. Here's a page on Amazon's Help Center on how to enable or disable it.

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

@johnnym. .. excellent post with a great recommendation.  Thank you for providing the link so customers can make an informed decision.  This is exactly what I was looking for and recommend it is done on a regular basis through online webinars.  You do an excellent job!

343 Messages

4 years ago

I'm glad that this is opt out.  If it wasn't, all of my Amazon Echo devices would be going into the wood chipper this afternoon.

138 Messages

4 years ago

All of this stuff should be OPT IN.

Glad I don't have any Amazon Hardware.



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

To all: a thread with a current, timely topic with customers and SS associate participating.  This is what improves the entire SS experience for all; increases customer knowledge, increases interactive touches between Simplisafe Inc. and their customers..win/win. Of course this state of the art 2007 forum is not the ideal, but I want to make sure SS realizes the open ended format of Facebook, Instagram and others isn't either.  A well designed, well staffed CRC is the ultimate answer and should have been here years ago. Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was built..eventually.  SS, now is a great tome to al least start.  

How about an online webinar on....you pick the topic. Send out invites, even just use a Zoom call or any other 3rd party site to get it done.  And set a date, a target. How's this:  Webinar on "Simplisafe SS3 security and You: What steps to make sure we all keep your system secure".  Announce, this week, schedule date of Sept xxxx.  I bet you that if you build it, they will come.....

And to the other posters in this thread, I agree 100%. There would be a lot of Echos in garage cans across America.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

4 years ago

How about an online webinar on....you pick the topic. Send out invites, even just use a Zoom call or any other 3rd party site to get it done. And set a date, a target. How's this: Webinar on "Simplisafe SS3 security and You: What steps to make sure we all keep your system secure". Announce, this week, schedule date of Sept xxxx. I bet you that if you build it, they will come.....

Now there's a fun idea. I'm afraid we're not quite there yet in my department, but never say never!

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

@Johnny M  this is indeed encouraging and look forward to see your efforts in this area. After asking for this for about 8 years it is very exciting indeed!  Never too early to solicit ideas from customers; another good source is to dust off your blogs of of old and see what generated the greatest interest. If my memory serves me well, the topic of using or not using a SS sign, or a generic one, solicited a lot of activity in the forums. Of course, there were many others.

One thing to note: Please do not use Facebook or any other social media product that identifies end users.  Whereas I have a small of community of 30+ systems I have placed and enjoy this "private" group of friends and family, I (and I believe the majority of your customers) will wish to remain anonymous to others outside your own associates for privacy and security reasons.  A webinar held on your website in a CRC would be ideal for that purpose.  Thanks for the reply and info.

66 Messages

4 years ago

Isn't Sidewalk similar to Apple Air Tags? How Air Tags communicate is that anyone with an iOS device within close vicinity of an Air Tag connects to said Air Tag and that sends a message to the owner via Find My.



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

@whoaru99 I too have opted out, and check each day to make sure the Echo Amazon execs' keep it that way. (The good old "Trust but verify" approach) but just wanted to provide a friendly reminder to SS they are way, way long past due on getting their fabled CRC up and working.  Yes, webinars for customers to participate in, would be nice and entertaining, they also can be used for product education and a great way for customer feedback to SS on products and services. I won't bore you or others on the other numerous applications a CRC can be used for but its time for this forum to be converted into a full blown CRC.

1.3K Messages

4 years ago

All this sort of stuff should be opt it, not opt out. But, probably in the fine print of the user agreement, that essentially nobody reads, I'd guess there is a clause where one has given such permission to be opted in to any sort of "customer experience improvement" they see fit.

I have opted out of Sidewalk, FWIW.

But, perhaps to the bigger point, I don't believe it is SS responsibility to take anything more than a very, very generic stance on products/features other than their own. Something to the effect of the more you put out there the more risk there is of some sort of breach is fine, it's true. But, for SS specifically/explicitly recommend people opt out would be to stand on very thin ice.
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