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Saturday, January 8th, 2022 2:00 PM


Some ideas to seriously consider

Hi SS..I work for the electronic security industry. There are some suggestions that would improve the system. You need to allow a movement sensor to be instant until the entry door is opened..we call this walk through in the industry. You also need to change the settings so a movement sensor is instant in away but not instant in home. Need to give users the ability to put the system on test. To test the system live not only has the danger of dispatch it also wastes operator time. You also need to give multiple user access to app. Every household has many family members all with apps. 

2.2K Messages

3 years ago

1) What do you change the motion sensor to when thew entry door is opened?

2) Why would you have a motion sensor active at all when you are home?  Unless you never go where it is, and then why would you not want it instant?

3) SS has the ability to put the system in test mode

4) SS allows any number of people to have access to the app.

2 Messages


If you put.a motion sensor in the kitchen and somebody breaks through the window you want it immediate. But if you open the kitchen door you want the sensor to ignore you on the way to the keypad to disarm. 

Yes house is quite large so it's normal to have movement sensors on at night. But I need the the sensor to change to non immediate as need to walk through it first as won't be opening entry door to disarm. 

SS has ability to test devices. But they have confirmed to me by email that I can't put the monitoring on test via app. So the only way to fully test is to trip the system and wait for the monitoring to call. 

As far as I'm aware multiple people can use the app but they have to use the same login details as myself. I can't setup multiple users to use the app so it identifies who disarmed. But not only that my wife's login via iOS keeps expiring so I have to keep giving her a new code to her app. System allows her to say remember device for so many days and then it expires again. Not sure if that's an iOS thing or because she's an additional user? My Android app never asks me for 2 stage authentication, I just login with my fingerprint. 

Cheers Dave



746 Messages


4) SS allows any number of people to have access to the app.

With all of them using the same username and password which also gives them all access to add/remove devices, edit payment info, delete recordings, etc.

SimpliSafe needs to a) allow multiple username/passwords for the mobile app and b) granular or role based access for the app. I might only want a pet sitter to be able to arm/disarm. I might want my kids to be able to do that plus check camera footage. I also want to look at a log and see WHO arm/disarmed a system which is impossible if they're using the app today.

41 Messages

3 years ago

Also...quit the BS policy of charging for Amazon integration

I have a large variety of smart devices...and absolutely NONE of them require a subscription for Amazon integration

Money grubbing !!!

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