1 Message
Video Doorbell Pro Compatibility with wired doorbell unit
Hi, I am not having any luck installing the Video Doorbell even with the recommended Chime Connector and a new 16 volt transformer. The chime doorbell is a 30 year old Broan Nutone unit. Can anyone recommend a new replacement doorbell brand/unit that has been successfully linked to the SSDB3 SimpliSafe Video Pro?
I am thinking it is time to buy a new chime doorbell since apparently a digital version will not work. Thanks!
I am thinking it is time to buy a new chime doorbell since apparently a digital version will not work. Thanks!
Official Solution
Community Admin
1K Messages
4 years ago
At this time, our Video Doorbell Pro is not compatible with most digital doorbell chime boxes which is what is causing the constant ringing. Unfortunately, your only options at this point would be to either purchase a mechanical doorbell chime box or to return the Video Doorbell Pro if it was purchased within the past 60 days.
SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security
1 Message
4 years ago
If you haven't already, make sure to test the voltage at the wires where you will install the doorbell with a multimeter/voltmeter that reads AC voltage. Youtube can show you how with that search string.
I was about ready to trash my doorbell chime for the same problem you are having, but Simplisafe support emailed me to tell me there was a potential problem with my video doorbell unit and offered to cross-ship a replacement.
I took them up on this offer, and they sent a second doorbell-- which also did not work.
While I was troubleshooting the first unit, I tested the voltage (AC) at the chime power output to the doorbell, the doorbell wires at the front door (where the doorbell is installed), the screws on the doorbell mounting plate, and the two contacts where the doorbell touches the mounting plate to receive its power-- all of them read good voltage in advertised operating range of this product (8 - 24V AC), a consistent 17.7 volts at each point (right around what the documentation recommends).
Once the mounting bracket was installed and the voltage tested, the install guide instructed me to push the button the unit to see if it was installed properly. The first doorbell rang the chime continuously until I took it off the mounting plate. The second doorbell rang the chime twice then quit. Neither of these two units ever showed any lights of any sort. To finish the doorbell setup, the Simplisafe app requires that you acknowledge the doorbell has a flashing white light-- which I never saw on either doorbell.
I read more than a couple of threads where customers had two and three doorbells shipped to them and none of them worked. It looks like their support has difficulty understanding low-voltage electricity and the difference between AC and DC power. The reason digital doorbells do not work with this unit is because digital doorbells send DC voltage, and this unit was designed for 8 - 24V AC. Older doorbells match the power type in the home (AC) and have a step-down transformer to produce the desired AC voltage at the doorbell wires. Systems that run on AC are incompatible with DC power sources and vice-versa.
I'm super bummed, I was hoping this would work out -- I wanted to get an entire Simplisafe system and integrate it with the doorbell, but if this experience is reflective of their product quality and support, I will keep my old security system.
Hope this helps and I hope you have a better experience with the product and their support than I had.
5 Messages
4 years ago
Also, the SS video doorbell requirements web page does not mention anything about a current rating requirement. Maybe that needs to be updated.
1 Message
4 years ago
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4 years ago
My original chime was incompatible and made me erroneously conclude that the camera was dead on arrival. The camera also came with a label "clearance" despite a full retail purchase.
Before I purchased the doorbell, I had a Simplicam. The Simplicam camera was bad and continually flashed. I had to send back the camera, and the replacement camera worked immediately. My problem with the video doorbell was a continual flashing, and this made me think that the video doorbell with a clearance label was bad in the same way that the Simplicam had been bad. This thinking turned out to be an incorrect diagnosis.
I requested Simplisafe send a second camera, and the second camera arrived timely. The second camera failed exactly like the first, but it also had a "clearance" label.
What to do?
Armed with two cameras, I tried a bunch of experiments on both cameras to try to get at least one to work. I tried powering the camera from a 16 VAC transformer using only a resistive source and no door chime. I tried resistors in the range of 25 ohms (I tried several values). I actually had some success at first and got the doorbell to work, but eventually it failed; NOTE: The "Ring" brand cameras are supposedly able to work being driven with no door chime and a resistor to replace the door chime.
The problem with the camera was basically a continual flashing yellow light (excepting the one time I was actually able to get the camera to work with the resistive load).
Finally I said to myself, before I quit and write this off I would try to change the chime. A "ding-dong:: mechanical chime's electrical load is first of all inductive and second not static. The chime I had was a fancy electronic chime. I was not optimistic that trying a ding-dong chime would work, since the resistive load for the chime was basically a failure.
Yet, perhaps the Simplesafe doorbell really needs the solenoid load from the mechanical chime (I could see it making use of a low-impedance DC load from the chime's solenoid for charging by use of rectification, i.e., the DC resistance of a solenoid is much less than the AC impedance). I purchased a Newhouse Hardware CHM3D "ding-dong" door chime on Amazon for $27. I chose this model by looking at a list of compatible doorbells for the "Ring" brand "first generation" video doorbells. The CHM3D worked perfectly for me and solved all my problems, and is an attractive modern looking model (at least enough for me and my plain tastes).
Of course, I can't find out if the CHM3D is approved for the Simplisafe video doorbell and if I am on the cusp of a failure. All I can say is that for me it solved all my problems.
NOTE: Setting the QR code is tricky for all Simplisafe cameras including the video doorbell, so I am not talking about solving the nuisance of the camera accepting the QR code ... you really have to play with it and slowly move the smart phone with the QR code toward and away from the camera lens.
I am now extremely happy with the Simplesafe video doorbell after a month of operation. The motion sensing works perfectly for me and my setup, and the view, resolution, and frame rate are acceptable ... I have the bracket installed that tilts up the camera, but this fits my particular property and front stoop and the original doorbell location.
For the transformer I have a 16 VAC, 10 VA transformer that was part of the original houses' doorbell circuit. This is a 20% regulation transformer, so it reads about 19 VAC when there is no load on the transformer, i.e.., this is the normal way transformers are rated, i.e., their rated voltage is for when the rated load is applied, and for no load the open circuit voltage is higher by the regulation amount. My transformer does not seem to be overheating, but I live in a cool climate. If I were to install a transformer from scratch, I would use a 16 VAC transformer with a larger VA rating.
Hope this helps.
P.S. --- Although the Simplisafe personnel that contacted me were friendly and helpful sending a second camera, ultimately they did not provide the technical support that would have helped me. What I needed was really for them to send a list of known approved doorbell chime models and tell me that if I have a continually flashing yellow light to change my chime to one on the list. Something along those lines would have saved me a lot of headache.
1.3K Messages
4 years ago
1. Being the electronic chime is high resistance/impedance circuit, the doorbell cam can't get enough current through the circuit to keep the battery properly charged and to function properly. High resistance/impedance acts to limit current.
2. Also, the high resistance/high impedance nature means the electronic chime is easily triggered. That's the phenomena often noted that the chimes activate simply by connecting the doorbell cam to the circuit. The quiescent draw of the doorbell cam presents enough load for the electronic chime to see it as a closed or partially closed circuit without even pushing the button.
The mechanical door bells work because the low resistance (or impedance if you prefer because it's AC) of the solenoid allows the doorbell cam to draw sufficient power though the solenoid to power the cam. Yet, in most cases, not enough to actually activate the solenoid. That part happens when you push the button to fully close the circuit.
And, yes, 10VA doorbell transformer is too small. While SS hasn't committed to a recommended "size" doorbell transformer, Ring recommends a minimum of 20 to 30VA transformer. I would not use any less than that for one doorbell cam. If, by chance, you have two powered from the same circuit then you're looking at something on the order of a 50VA transformer.
4 Messages
4 years ago
So I get it all hooked up and the chimes just ring continuously. I call customer support and they send me the Simplisafe Chime Connector (why wasn't it included with the Door Cam?). With this in-hand I hoped all my problems would be solved. NO! It still rings continuously. So what does the chime connector actually do? I was told it makes it all work better. To me it made no difference at all.
Anyone else have this same thing happen? Looks like the 21 Century Simplisafe Door Cam only work with 20th Century technology. Come on guys, let's get updated. My grandpa had an old electro-magnetic doorbell in his house. Is that the best Simplisafe Engineers can do?
BTW, as long as all the wiring is hooked up, the cam works fine.
1 Message
4 years ago
1.3K Messages
4 years ago
As well, the issue of wired doorbell cam and electronic doorbells isn't at all unique to SS.
Not that knowlege of either of those things makes you any happier.
1.3K Messages
4 years ago
The issue is not usually voltage per se, rather not enough current capability to prevent too much load-induced voltage sag.
That's why looking at the transformer VA is important. The smaller transformers like 10-15VA don't have enough "balls" to keep the camera properly supplied.
1 Message
4 years ago
The SS Customer support was unaware of any door chimes that were compatible with their product. (which seems unbelievable) so if they want to start a list... here you go.
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
4 years ago
That's true, we don't keep a list of compatible wired doorbells. Though in general, the Video Doorbell Pro is compatible with most analog doorbell systems.
If your system has a digital chime, or similar to the "NuTone" brand with multiple chimes, then the Video Doorbell Pro is unlikely to work.
5 Messages
3 years ago
Built a small circuit on my table to test and rule out wiring, BUZZ. Decided to try to just make a smaller loop and take the bell out of the system. This worked, on my table, was able to connect to the video feed and all. It's already dark, I will put it up tomorrow. Tomorrow comes, check the feed, no signal. check for power, no power from the transformer. Power in? Yep. Ok, maybe from the earlier stuff, this one is fried(this was the loose original transformer). Connected on the porch with the new transformer, camera appears to have no power, remove the camera, 17vac. Thought i would go check the transformer and it is hot. Think I have a shorted camera???
26 Messages
2 years ago
Been researching for hours ,, why is this not readily available info before purchase ?
this thing is a joke ,, do i ditch my reliable expensive 20 year old multitone doorbell so this probably unit that will probably last 4 months can replace it ?