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Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 5:51 AM

SimpliCam no longer active

I got a message that my Simplicam was offline. It was unplugged but still wouldn't activate. I removed the device and then attempted to re-add it to the system. Connects to WiFi fine, but will not activate. I have a solid blue light that indicates it's connected but I can't add it to the system. I've only had this system for a little over 30 days. The online troubleshooting advice is useless- anyone else have any ideas? 

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

2 years ago

Hi @apriljs79, 

Have you tried resetting your SimpliCam? To do so, hold the button on the top of the SimpliCam for 20 seconds and then release it. You will then be prompted to add the camera back to your system. 

If that doesn't help, I would contact our Support team to troubleshoot this live.

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