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Thursday, December 15th, 2022 3:16 PM


Outdoor Camera recording every 3 minutes at night

There is a known issue where at night, the Outdoor Camera's motion sensor may and initiate recordings repeatedly, without any confirmed (ongoing) triggers.


Outdoor Camera Firmware Update 1.10.x has been rolling out, and it includes some fixes that may resolve this issue. You can check if your camera is already updated by going into the Camera Settings section of the SimpliSafe app.


If you are still experiencing this issue after your camera has auto-updated, please let us know here.

Our engineering team has identified a similar issue with a different underlying cause, which has surfaced in versions 1.18 and 1.20. You can follow updates for that issue here.

12 Messages

11 months ago

My system continues to behave.  No unusual activity from the one bad cam.

10 Messages

11 months ago

My system has had increasing issues once again and is currently on but has flip flopped to 1.20 and back again indicating Simplisafe is clueless as to what the issue is.  What was changed in which version to fix the issues in 1.10.x.x ?  A code review seems to be in order as it appears 1.10 code may have been reintroduced into 1.18 and continues in 1.20.

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5.7K Messages

@wellthereitis​ the issue in this thread has been resolved. But a similar issue with a different underlying cause has surfaced as of 1.18+. We're tracking that issue here.

13 Messages

My cameras downgraded to 1.18 and the majority of the issues went away. Tonight, the issues have returned and I see that the SW version is back to 1.20.

3 Messages

10 months ago

Having this issue on v1.20.37.8185. It's every 1 to 3 minutes nightly. 

3 Messages

10 months ago

It's happening on v12.20.36.815. Camera is going off every 1-3 minutes every night after 10pm. I'll wake up to over 100 notifications from the camera. 

2 Messages

10 months ago

Davey D. How about on these outside camera's, check with your software programmers if they could add an option like dust / dawn feature to turn motion detection off during the night time hours. That would stop camera from triggering and draining the battery down. A temp or permanent fix until this issue is resolved.

54 Messages

I want motion detection to operate all day long, especially at night!  This is important for security in our neighborhood.  We’ve had the problem with notifications occurring every 3 minutes off and on over the past 2 years (only with the outside camera).  Everything worked well until about 3 weeks ago.  Now the 3 min notifications occur constantly.  I know they can fix it because this gets fixed for months at a time and then reappears.  When we finally get a good firmware version for the camera I would like to freeze that version and be able to revert to the good working version if things change. Troubleshooting this issue 2 to 4 times a year is getting old and frustrating.  

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