‎Outdoor Camera Motion Push Notification in AWAY mode | Page 3 | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Friday, November 19th, 2021 6:53 PM


Outdoor Camera Motion Push Notification in AWAY mode

So I have two new outdoor cameras and  I get notifications of motion all day long when the system is DISARMED and it simply wastes the battery life as I don't want motion notifications on my front porch or back yard if I am home.  

When  I put the system in AWAY mode, I want motion notifications that someone is on my porch or in my backyard, yet the system DOES NOT SEND PUSH NOTIFICATIONS on the outdoor cameras  in AWAY MODE.  Anyone else have this problem?  

Also, I think having the option to NOT trigger motion detection when the system is disarmed would be a nice feature and would really save on the Outdoor camera battery life as I go in and out of the home a lot and just kills the battery   Yes I could enable motion when I leave and disable motion when home for the two outdoor cameras, but what a hassle.  Anyone agree?


This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Outdoor Camera Motion Tied to Alarm System Armed State

2 Messages

2 years ago

My thoughts EXACTLY!  Just bought an outdoor cam to monitor the back yard and have to turn motion detection off because of the same thing.  When home, people usually are in and out of the yard all the time.  When I bought the camera I assumed, incorrectly as it seems, that you could modify its behavior associated with the different modes like you can with the indoor camera.  PLEASE update this!  It is quite the pain to turn the detection on/off every time I leave the house!  

2 Messages

2 years ago

Please fix this issue!! When I am home and alarm is off, I do not want to be notified of motion from the camera each time I move around in my backyard. It is creating a false sense of urgency to check the app when there is truly an issue to be reviewed. Please fix this!!

2 Messages

2 years ago

+1 for only motion detection option when alarm is armed to save battery. 

6 Messages

2 years ago

Have to chime in and vote this suggestion up as well! Don't want outdoor motion notifications all day long when I'm home in the day time using my house.

Would love to see a feature that ties notifications to Home & Away modes so that I only receive motion notifications during these alarm modes. That would be the best option.

Alternatively, allowing motion schedules so that I do not receive notifications during day time hours. Would love to see this change BEFORE the next Spring/Summer season of 2023.

2 Messages

2 years ago

Yeah you guys need to fix this!

2 Messages

2 years ago

Adding my voice. This is ridiculous. My camera is set up facing my backyard where my kids play - my phone and watch barely stop buzzing. It depletes both my phone battery and the camera battery, and my patience. Yes, I can turn off notifications, but life's too busy to keep switching them on and off all the time. Fix this please.

2 Messages

2 years ago

Have the Simplisafe engineers actually used the Outdoor Camera?  Why would you design an outdoor camera that sends motion alerts all the time, regardless of whether the system is in Off, Home, or Away mode?  You can only turn Motion Detection on or off.  So when anyone in my family is outside, the outdoor cameras continually ding my cell phone with motion alerts.  I only want motion detection in Home or Away mode.  The outdoor cameras are a worthless nuisance for security.


21 Messages

2 years ago

Simplisafe are you there? Are you listening? A world class company would listen to their customers and communicate with them on their thoughts or progress or intent withbthis issue. What does Simplisafe want to be when they grow up? 

2 Messages

2 years ago

I just set up my new outdoor camera today and I'm flabbergasted to learn that it doesn't sync with my system settings.  My Nest cameras have done this for years.  Come on SimpliSafe, please give us the option to turn off the outdoor cameras when the system is disarmed.

2 Messages

2 years ago

Installed my cameras yesterday only to wind up on this thread today.  I can’t believe the notification issue hasn’t been addressed.  

3 Messages

2 years ago

We are in the same situation and landed on this thread the day after the first outdoor camera was installed. We DO NOT want the cameras to motion detect (or optionally even record) when the main system is off! 

Do Simplisafe engineers use these devices for themselves, especially with kids and pets?

Please update the software to allow motion detect only in Away mode, and optionally in Home mode. Thank you

3 Messages

2 years ago

Add me to the parade.  Love the system.  Just added two outdoor cameras.  Discovered that the cameras do not sync with the system settings and are always on.......extremely annoying and not well thought out.  Will probably be returning the cameras

3 Messages

2 years ago

100% agree,  adding my support to sync the outdoor cameras to the system mode.  Add an option to allow the cameras to be of when the alarm is off.  

4 Messages

2 years ago

This needs to be fixed! This is basic!

2 Messages

1 year ago

Adding my vote to disabling notifications on off mode. 30$/mo for an annoying camera system will only test my patience, please fix.

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