7 Messages
Outdoor Camera issue
I have 2 outdoor cameras up and running for about 8 months with no major issues.
For the last 2 weeks 1/2 cameras keep giving notification of weak signal. I reset the router and the camera with no change. This camera with the issues is the one closest to the router and I also have the SimpliSafe Wi-Fi extender. What can be causing this issue and how do I go about fixing it?
6.3K Messages
2 years ago
@LKR_11743 I would try a manual reset (take the battery out, fully charge it and put it back in, and/or call SS for support. Please post your outcome here if you get a chance.
Community Admin
3.4K Messages
2 years ago
Hi @LKR_11743,
A weak WiFi signal could be due to a few different things. There could be wireless interference between your router and camera caused by other electronic devices, or maybe there are multiple devices streaming on your router all at the same time. This article in our Help Center dives into what can cause a weak signal.
To improve your camera's signal, I would also recommend resetting your camera as Captain11 suggested. If that does not help, there are still some other troubleshooting steps we can take. Most WiFi routers run dual bands broadcasting at 2.4GHz and 5GHz. I would move any devices like PCs, TVs, and video game consoles to the 5GHz band, and keep your SimpliSafe devices on the 2.4GHz band. This article also lists out additional steps to take to improve WiFi signal strength.
7 Messages
2 years ago
The camera is draining battery very quickly as well.