‎is there an outdoor camera which will work with the current (new) simplisafe system ? | SimpliSafe Support Home

Tuesday, February 6th, 2018 8:43 PM

is there an outdoor camera which will work with the current (new) simplisafe system ?

I just purchased and installed a system this week and had 2 questions.
1. Outdoor camera?
2. Compatibility with NEST CO/Smoke sensors

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1.2K Messages

7 years ago

Right now SS only has an indoor camera.  They recently announced that an outdoor camera, a door bell camera, and smart door locks are on the horizon.  

Watch this video, near the end they show off the 2 upcoming cameras.  There has been no ETA on them, but looks like they are close if they are willing to show them off.


Ill let someone else answer question 2, I don't use any of those items.

94 Messages

7 years ago

If they're not going to be compatible with older systems what good are they?

Personally,I wouldn't wait to be disappointed by SimpliSafe.You could start by checking out what BestBuy has to offer.Talk to the Geeks.They probably have camera systems that can record/send video to your computer or cellphone.It doesn't have to integrate with the alarm system to be effective.

62 Messages

7 years ago


1. @drunkpenguin is correct on this.

2. For the SimpliSafe Original, we have compatibility with the Nest Thermostat, but not the Nest CO/Smoke Detectors. For the All New SimpliSafe, the Works With Nest feature is coming soon.

SimpliSafe Home Security

1 Message

7 years ago

any updates to this thread @Bonnie?

272 Messages

7 years ago


Our Outdoor Camera is under active development! We'll be sure to let everyone know when they're ready!

To connect your Nest Thermostat with the All-New SimpliSafe, use these following instructions!

1. On your Dashboard, select the menu ( ≡ ) on the top left-hand corner.
2. Under Settings, you will find the option System. Select this.
3. At the bottom of this page you will see Integration.
4. Follow the instructions listed and then select Authorize.

SimpliSafe Home Security

72 Messages

7 years ago

Lee, Do you know if the new upcoming Outdoor Camera will be compatible with the SS2 systems? Or are they just for SS3 customers?

1 Message

7 years ago

"Our Outdoor Camera is under active development! We'll be sure to let everyone know when they're ready!"

Do you have a target date for launch, not expecting an exact date but indicative, eg June, July or Aug...

I'm planning to buy the outdoor camera within couple of weeks. My preference is to get SS cameras since I'm on your system.  I dont want to buy another brand and within 1-2 months you launch your new camera.

The new outdoor camera and doorbell has been announced since Jan and it's been a few months since. I hope you are close to official launch.

72 Messages

I agree it would be nice to get at least a release date soon. These new cameras were announced in January and its almost June now and we dont even have an official release date yet. I am in the market for an outdoor camera and assuming this new one works with SS2 I am interested.

1 Message

7 years ago



3 Messages

7 years ago

This issue is the reason why I haven't upgraded to the new system. We were told it was going to be released the first quarter of the year so I've been holding out waiting for an announcement but still nothing. I look at all the other competitors with outdoor cameras and video doorbells and everything else we were promised 7 months ago. I think we all would appreciate a release date or any indication of when it will be released. Getting tired of waiting around for it.

66 Messages

At this point seems SS has BS'd everyone.

740 Messages

7 years ago

Issues like this (that appear as apparent) always leave me scratching my head when it comes to SimpliSafe.

Do not get me wrong, I was satisfied with SS2 and have been extremely satisfied with SS3, but sometimes it is like, "come on." They run a vast/successful company but miss so many of the little things at times. One of the most significant problems being relaying information promptly or implementing small improvements that you are only left wondering why would they not (a simple search function, a centralized area dedicated to the answers of redundant questions that customers consistently ask, etc.)?

For example, their employees are left to re-answer questions all of the time. What company would not want a solution to correct such a problem? It is not as if the answer is complicated to implement so, sometimes (like today), it irks me.

I cannot even begin to think of a strategy as to why they would not tell us they are working on such things or when we can merely expect things. They must be very careful, tech moves quickly and customers are not nearly as loyal as they have been in the past (regarding anything, anymore).

764 Messages

7 years ago

I offer for your consideration the following.  SS has two options in announcing a new device: announce the product and give a general "quarter X of next year" (1)  with no status updates and (2) provide status updates periodically (monthly).  In both cases, the release of the device is delayed by three months from the (1) end of the announced quarter or (2) first originally announced release date.  Customers are upset in both cases.

Asking rhetorically, knowing it will generate discussion, which is going to upset the customer more (1) missing the original date and no updates until the device is released or (2) the three announced dates were missed with SS repeatedly "promising" the device's release.

I am not promoting either option.  I would prefer SS meet the originally announced release date on any of their products!  Have they met an announced release date yet?

UPDATE: I would rather they get the device to work correctly with the initial release vs releasing a "buggy" device.

740 Messages

You do bring up excellent points. Product delays happen all of the time, and I am understanding of them. Better to miss a deadline and get it right than deal with recalls or dissatisfaction on a grand scale. The other things, there is no excuse. It is almost as though they do not know how to run the company properly.

A search function eases the burden on employees. Why they would not wish to do that is beyond me. If there is a reason why they removed the search and are working on a new forum perhaps, I am okay with that, but why not relay it to your customers? That sort of tactic (keeping us in the dark by saying nothing), I am unable to grasp.

Also, Captain has brought an excellent idea to the table in a Simplisafe Customer Resource Center (CRC). New and existing customers ask the same questions each day, and it is the burden of the employees to answer them repeatedly (while some I suspect they are instructed NOT to respond to as they do not meet specific questions with a single reply). It causes customers to direct anger or dissatisfaction (perhaps a better word) toward employees who honestly can do nothing both here on the forum and by phone. Quite plainly, it is not their fault (at all), yet they still get the blame and wrath.

Add the holiday sale which then (always) leads to an overburdened staff and the non-posting of closed holidays, and I cannot explain it. I have been a customer for four years now, and these issues have no resolve. It is mindboggling.

Again, I am delighted with my system and SimpliSafe, but when these issues affect you, you wonder why they do not solve such simple problems.

764 Messages

7 years ago

I was only attempted to offer an "excuse" for the product release announcement or lack thereof.  I don't have even a remote guess as to why SS doesn't do some of the SIMPLE STUFF.  I fully agree SS is making this way harder than it needs to be.  Being the devil that I am, I have to advocate for myself, it is amazing how they have grown as large as they are with what appears to be "stupid" stuff causing customers issues.

1 Message

6 years ago

where are these products already?

The video above is from January and they clearly show an exterior camera - almost an entire year???

1 Message

6 years ago

I too am wondering if there will be outdoor cameras available in the near future, as it's almost been a year since they were announced... what's the hold up!? We need these security features now and other companies are already offering them.



6.3K Messages

6 years ago

@cbernal87 , the only product, I believe, that is past due release is the video doorbell, that was formerly announced at CES in January, where SS stated if would be out by the end of the "next quarter" which was June 30th.  Outdoor cameras were slated for "sometime later in the year"  (2018).

The promised integration for Amazon Echo and Google Assistant were achieved, with the surprise integration with August locks.  With the reported FCC filing last month on the doorbell, hopefully will be out soon.
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