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Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 11:24 PM

Is the cloud broken?

As usual, "All" of my other brand cams and devices online. Side doorbell is offline too even though it doesn't show it.

1.2K Messages

3 months ago

Well, rebooted wifi again..., just did several days ago. Side doorbell and right front came back online on their own. Before or after reboot is unknown. So far anyhow. 😆 

Maybe reset these 2 tomorrow if they're still not back online. Lol SMH

At least two died that I can reach easily.

At least my cheap cams are up, as usual, and everything else wifi for that matter, except this junk hardware. Finicky stuff.

Also unknown why several Simplisafe cameras just decided to disconnect.

I know for many users here its common, but has typically not been for me, other than one here or there. The usual headaches.

Still pondering AG complaints & contact.🤔 This is nudging me closer.🤬

This stuff is tiresome.🫤🙄🥵 And its 95 out there.

I know, I know, yours work.  😄😉

We'll see and then make some decisions tomorrow, if necessary. 

1.2K Messages

3 months ago

And as Forest, sorta said, and just like that, they're back online. Maybe they had a heat stroke 🥵 🤔 

Still pondering as this camera stuff is just not reliable enough for real security purposes.

At least I don't have to poke reset buttons, again...for how long online, well, that's an entirely different question. 

1.2K Messages

3 months ago

😆 🥵🤬 

1.2K Messages

3 months ago

Well, removed one outdoor from app and reinstalled, made no difference. But now it works, for now.

They all came back online on their own, off and on, then one that was working 30 minutes ago, dropped. Then a couple dropped. They're supposed to be able to withstand this heat, but I'm wondering at this point. 🤔 

Deleted app, reinstalled,  no joy. Lol

Some outdoor and doorbell, that were offline are online.

Connection checks are strong, all blue bars, upload and dbm obviously to working cams. 

Modem, Router and Sats, rebooted twice this week, lol. Also no joy.

Logs good.

Comcast didn't break it working anywhere.

Some that show online in app, fail connection check and live view. Says offline if connection checked.😆

Heat? Bad app update? Firmware? All? Probably lol, 😃 

Random and all over the place, comes and goes.

No interference.

Same walls.

Same wifi.


All other devices, solid connections, even in the heat.

🗑🚮 We shall see when it cools off if related.

1.2K Messages

3 months ago

Temperature dropping, shade appearing.🤔

All cams online temporarily anyhow. 😂 🤬🥱

1.2K Messages

3 months ago

In case anyone cares, I think it's the heat, if so, a bit lower than advertised. Which isn't shocking. Several cams are now misbehaving, worked overnight, and into late morning. 94 degrees so far. Xfinity has some issues, may be related, today. 


1.2K Messages

3 months ago

Same today, really fussy to open or live view in the heat.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

3 months ago

Hi @dlpsr ,

Sorry to hear you're having trouble again. Heat could be a problem particularly if they're in direct sunlight. Keep in mind that the cameras (and more crucially, the batteries) could be getting hotter than the environment if they're not getting any shade.

At first I thought you were getting the issue where the cameras are actually still online, and only reporting offline in the app. But then you mention that some of the units show as offline with a connection check, indicating that they were actually offline.

I'm going to request another call from our specialist team. We really need to get this sorted for you.

1.2K Messages

@davey_d​ I appreciate the response, I'm not sure a call can sort temperature. But we'll see. It cools and 80 today, all work as usual.

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