‎Intermittent Solid Red Light on Indoor Camera | SimpliSafe Support Home

Saturday, September 18th, 2021 7:48 PM

Intermittent Solid Red Light on Indoor Camera

The title pretty much says it all.

We have 2 indoor camera's .... one of them intermittently has a solid red light that stays on for an extended time.
We never notice that on the other camera.

I don't see solid red in the chart for light indications on the camera.  I see that flashing red indicates trouble connecting to WiFi .  My daughter is concerned that someone is hacking her camera.

I haven't had any problem viewing either camera live.



6.1K Messages

3 years ago

@middlemaan I could only find a solid red light article for the outdoor camera, zip on the indoor simplicam.  I suggest you call support, see what they say and also request they update the support center with an updated article.

Also, doubt its a hack with the connection being encrypted, but is there anyone authorized in the past that has access to your account?

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

3 years ago

Hi middlemaan,

You're right, there's currently nothing assigned to a solid red indicator, for the Indoor Camera.

If your camera is currently in Night Vision mode, because of low light, the camera does put out a faint red light that acts a little bit like a spotlight to illuminate the scene a little bit. But that lamp is at a different position below the lens, so you might not be talking about that one.

There's also a 'secret' indicator that is actually purple, rather than red. That indicates that the camera has somehow entered Developer Mode (which our engineers use for debugging, etc.). You can try resetting the camera back to factory settings by holding the button on the top for 16 seconds, then setting the unit up again through the app.

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security

58 Messages

Johnny M .... you nailed it on that one.  

I finally got the daughter to send me a video of it happening ..... it was so dark I couldn't see anything except the red dot.

I told her to send me another with better light .... guess what .... when turning the light on the light goes away .... so, it must be the night vision IR you mentioned.

Thanks for the feedback.

732 Messages

3 years ago

@Johnny M

You can try resetting the camera back to factory settings by holding the button on the top for 16 seconds

Does this reset only the camera settings or will the firmware also be reset?

58 Messages

3 years ago

Thanks for the replies ..... I may need to have my daughter take a picture of short video of it while the light is on to try to determine for sure what she is seeing.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

3 years ago

Does this reset only the camera settings or will the firmware also be reset?

You're right, a reset wouldn't be exactly the same as a factory reset. It wipes only the settings, but the latest firmware update would still be on there.

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security

1.3K Messages

3 years ago

My guess it's the IR illuminator.

Is the red light near the very top edge of the camera or is it in the raised circular area that surrounds the lens?

732 Messages

3 years ago

You're right, a reset wouldn't be exactly the same as a factory reset. It wipes only the settings, but the latest firmware update would still be on there.

Oh, I wasn't sure one way or another actually. (Even though it's just a settings reset I think it's still worth doing.)  I'm just insatiably curious and would prefer to know than assume. :)

1.3K Messages

3 years ago

I don't know about SS camera, but offhand I don't recall any other device I've worked with where a "factory reset" in terms of consumer access (which makes "factory reset" somewhat of an oxymoron) reverts updated firmware back to the original/factory version.

56 Messages

3 years ago

On our indoor camera, we also have a solid red light above the lens. It's not blinking, and it's directly above the lens. It is not the same light that blinks blue when the camera is on. I just looked at that camera in live view and it is using night mode. The room is on the dim side, it's a rainy day, but all the lights are on down here. That's a little odd.

1.3K Messages

It's not odd at all. A sensor in the camera senses the ambient light and if it thinks it's dark enough it turns on the IR illuminator. The IR illuminator is the small red LED above the lens. When the camera thinks it's light enough it automatically shuts off the IR illuminator. It's plausibe the IR could switch on or off seemingly at random if the light in the room is borderline on the switch over level.

The larger LED that is near the very top edge of the camera is the status indicator.

56 Messages

3 years ago

Hmm. And after using the live view for 5 minutes, no more red light.

56 Messages

3 years ago

Is the IR illuminator supposed to stay on?  I noticed the one on our camera is back on again. I might be wrong, but I think that previously the IR illuminator was only turning on when the camera lens opened. Now it's staying on, day, night, lights on or off.  I noticed it a couple weeks ago but have been too busy to investigate. Then I saw this thread and was wondering if someone else was seeing something similar.

Or, honestly, maybe it's always worked like this and I just never noticed before.

1.3K Messages

3 years ago

The IR illuminator does not require the privacy shutter to be open to turn on. The light sensor is on the opposite side of the lens housing from the IR illuminator. Usually you can put your thumb over that area and cause the IR illuminator to turn on if it's off.

Doesn't necessarily matter just that there are lights on in the room. What matters is the amount of light the sensor detects. At this moment there are two lamps on in the same room as one of our cameras and the illuminator is on. But, the illuminator does turn off if I turn on more lights or will turn off after I raise the blinds, the sun begins to rise, and some additional light comes in.

Consider seasonality too. Here the days are getting noticeably shorter and the nights longer which can/will influence the illuminator's on/off cycles.

As an easy check, turn on your smartphone flashlight (or other) and shine it on the camera from a foot or two away. After a delay of a couple of seconds the illuminator should turn off. Or, if it's off, cover the bottom area of the lens housing with something light can't pass through (my thumb works for me) and after a couple seconds the illuminator should turn on (provided of course, you don't have it deactivated in the settings).

56 Messages

Yep, I shined the cell phone flashlight right at the front of the camera, and after about one second the red light turned off.
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