1 Message
I would love for the live feed to display longer
I would love to be able to view the live feed for my cameras simultaneously without the page timing out. Or even have the option to display it longer.
1 Message
I would love to be able to view the live feed for my cameras simultaneously without the page timing out. Or even have the option to display it longer.
Accepted Solution
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
3 years ago
There isn't really a set timer for live viewing. It's more dependent on the strength of your cameras' connection - when it starts to waver a bit (e.g. due to signal interference), the livestream may be interrupted.
That being said, the Live View feature is really meant for checking on your home in the moment, and not so much for surveillance. So they can't stay on indefinitely.
746 Messages
3 years ago
There's no reason that a camera plugged into an regular AC power source (so SimpliCam or Outdoor Camera - I understand the Doorbell using low voltage wiring can't really do this) shouldn't be able to display for hours on end. I regularly stream for hours and hours on multiple Wyze Cam 3's I use to monitor my growing 3D Printer farm and they work without issue.
Please add this to the suggestion list. Some of us want to keep our cameras up all the time and our WiFi/internet is more than sufficient for that to be possible.
1 Message
13 days ago
@Simply Safe, I also would like to view my cameras all the time. Please address and fix this.