750 Messages
How does the new indoor camera behave when plugged into a power source?
When the Outdoor Camera came out we learned that even when plugged into power via USB or solar it still behaves like a battery operated camera. That is it still "sleeps" and needs to "wake up" in order to begin recording. Practically speaking this means the best case scenario is that it is able to record from the point it wakes up versus an always on camera that might record constantly so it can provide footage from just before the motion was detected.
Does the new indoor camera behave like the outdoor camera in this regard? Or when plugged into power does it detect power and behave like it's "always on"?
6.3K Messages
2 years ago
@worthing Same process as the outdoor camera, with my experienceof actual performance being different in actual use. First, the battery is adverstised to last 2 months on the LG cameras.. Using two cameras, I left one intentiaonally unplugged and at 67 days of regular use it was still trucking along. Second, the indoor cameras, did boot up faster than the outdoor cameras. Please note that if all of my six cameras were streaming at once, there was a slow down from wake up to live stream for all battery cameras (2 outside and 2 inside). Finally, the wake up process to live stream cycle time has been improving with firmware updates and I consider the time cycle to be acceptable at this point. Other's experience?