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BarbaraR's profile

Wednesday, March 9th, 2022 5:41 PM

Getting Simplicam alerts even when system is off

Hi - I've recently started getting push notifications of motion dectection on our indoor Simplicam even when our system is disarmed. Our settings are that the camera shutter is closed when the system is disarmed, so I'm confused why it's still alerting. Is anyone else having this problem? Any suggestions of how to fix it?

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

3 years ago

Hi Barbara,

Yes, this is unusual behavior. For now, the first thing I would suggest is to re-do the Setting in the app for that camera. That is, navigate to Camera Settings > [your camera] > Privacy Shutter.

Then set the Shutter to be Open in Off Mode. Go back one screen and Save. And finally, go into Privacy Shutter, and set it to be Closed in Off Mode again - going back one more time to save.

If that doesn't work, a firmware reset might help. You can do that by pressing the button on the top of the camera for 16 seconds, and when you release, the camera will reboot and you can set it up in the app like new.

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