2 Messages
Doorbell camera doesn’t detect motion at night
I have a doorbell camera set up that, for the most part, does a good job detecting motion during the day. Pretty much the same amount of motion detected during the day as a camera that I have nearby. (Camera nearby is not a simplisafe camera). However when it comes to detecting motion at night my doorbell camera doesn’t detect anything at all. I can have multiple notifications from the other camera saying someone walked by the front of my house at night and have no notifications at all from my doorbell. Yet these people are walking directly in front of my house along the sidewalk that is maybe 15 feet or so away. Any idea why my doorbell doesn’t detect any motion at all at night??? I have the sensitivity both during the day and at night set to high
Community Admin
3.4K Messages
2 years ago
Hi @tvan22,
Do you know if your Video Doorbell is properly switching into Night Vision at night? I would toggle the setting off and back on in the camera settings of your SimpliSafe app to ensure that it's on. The motion sensor in the Video Doorbell uses infrared, so it's natural for the range to be a bit shorter at night.