‎Camera Motion Detection alerts not working in Away mode | SimpliSafe Support Home

Friday, June 19th, 2020 12:22 PM

Camera Motion Detection alerts not working in Away mode


Just like the title says, I'm not getting any alerts about camera motion detection with my Simplicams while the system is set to away mode. If I have it in home mode, and the privacy shutters open, I do get the alerts. Can anyone explain the discrepancy? I'd like to receive the alerts in away mode as well.


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6.3K Messages

5 years ago

@twohlrab3 there are separate settings for each mode. I would check my settings and make sure you have the cameras configured correctly for motion and the privacy guard up. Mine work fine. If still issue and your settings look correct, call SS support to troubleshoot. If you get a chance, please post your outcome. Good luck.

1 Message

4 years ago

Mine behaves as Op stated. Shutter Set to closed in home mode but it records and notifies.
Shutter open in away mode but does not record or notify in away mode.
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