1 Message
app has had NO CONNECTION for over 14 hours
I opened the mobile app on my phone last night and got this message:
I have checked it every few hours since then, and got this same message every time. This is a major problem! What is going on with the servers and when will they be back up??
Also, I don't understand why your servers need to be up for me to access cameras which are inside my local network. If my phone is connected to the same network the cameras are on it should be able to view them regardless of if they can connect to the outside.
No Connection
We're currently experiencing server issues. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please check back later.
I have checked it every few hours since then, and got this same message every time. This is a major problem! What is going on with the servers and when will they be back up??
Also, I don't understand why your servers need to be up for me to access cameras which are inside my local network. If my phone is connected to the same network the cameras are on it should be able to view them regardless of if they can connect to the outside.
Community Admin
1.2K Messages
4 years ago
We're not currently experiencing any outages with any of our servers so that error message appears to be a little misleading. Try logging out of the app and back in and that should get you connected to our servers again. Regarding why we require access to our servers, it is for security purposes that require our servers to be used for authentication between the cameras and the SimpliSafe app.
SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security
26 Messages
4 years ago
Website version works fine.
Logging out then log back in. That worked. Kind of sucks that it doesn't recover itself and work when you guys fix your servers. Having to log out and back in is terrible user experience.
8 Messages
4 years ago
This is the first I've seen this kind of error in the roughly 3 years I've been connected, so if you have other reports of this all from the same time, considering looking into what the server teams have done and advise them to avoid doing that again without warning.
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
4 years ago
Yep, we're absolutely looking into this already. As we mentioned earlier, it's not a server issue (we have not had any recent server outages at all), but something going on with the app itself. Of course, a future app update will address it.
- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security
1 Message
4 years ago
1 Message
4 years ago
I am also not getting any callbacks from you guys whenever my alarm goes off. I had 2 accidental alarms over last few weeks but both times no one from customer service called. whats going on ?
6.3K Messages
4 years ago
Community Admin
1.2K Messages
4 years ago
It sounds like you may be experiencing two separate issues. First, when trying to log in, have you tried logging in through a different browser or a different device? We recommend trying logging into your account through an Incognito (Chrome) or a Private (Safari and Firefox) window to make sure that there aren't any extensions that are preventing the page from loading.
Second, with regards to your recent false alarms, it's important the remember that the siren must blare for at least 30 seconds in order to receive a call from our monitoring center. Otherwise, it will just get marked as a false alarm. If you are unsure if the alarm had been going off for at least 30 seconds, give our Support Team a call so we can verify that for you. We can be reached at 1-800-548-9508 from 8 AM to Midnight ET, 7 days a week.
SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security
5 Messages
3 years ago
So I might be able to add some info to the conversation and maybe simplisafe can piggyback off it. I have never had problems with the app connecting the other day I decided to use a custom DNS server on my phone to block ads (NextDNS.io) when I put this in as my private DNS server on my phone I no longer can connect to the app. As soon as I turn it off and use whatever T-Mobile gives me it works again. I actually would like to whitelist the server the app connects to on my custom DNS server but don't know what I need to whitelist. I tried to whitelist simplisafe.com but that didn't work.