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Wednesday, May 17th, 2023 4:31 PM

Slim Magnets?

Upon initial installation of my system, I discovered that two doors needed slim magnets to be installed due to the way the doors were designed.

After 6 weeks, and a few glitches in Simplisafe understanding my problem, two small slim magnets were delivered. 

How are these installed? An entry sensor obviously needs two pieces. Do I use one of the slim magnets with one of the other large sensors?

It's not apparent how they are used, and there were no directions. Any help would be appreciated!

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5.7K Messages

1 year ago

Hi @scottaherrmann ,

Yes, so the larger piece of the Entry Sensor is the actual sensor. The smaller bit is just a magnet. So you'd replace that smaller piece with the slim magnet.

If you're comfortable with sharing pictures here, we can even give you tips on how best to set up on your specific door!

4 Messages


Thank you. However, during a chat with Simplisafe today, I asked that question (Do I use the new magnets with the other sensors). They told me that the new magnets were not compatible with the other sensors. Is that not accurate?

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@scottaherrmann​ I'm not sure what you mean by "other sensors". Only the Entry Sensor uses a magnet, and you can use the Slim Magnet for any Entry Sensor in your home.

4 Messages

Thanks. That clarifies things. I was told that the slim magnet was not compatible with my existing sensors. I'll give it a try. 

2 Messages

1 year ago

Sending a picture of my door frame. unable to install the regular magnets of entry sensors due to the curve and lack of flat surface. Can you pls suggest how to install the regular magnets? or do I need the slim magnets. The earlier security system i had (in the picture) has very slim magnets but Simplifsafe regular ones are not fitting on the flat surface I have. Thanks in advance for you guidance.


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3.3K Messages

@mpsachdevI have a similar type of door at my home and have found it helpful to install a Slim Magnet on the thin frame around the door - I would recommend the same for your setup. If you contact our Support team, they can send you a Slim Magnet.

2 Messages

Thank you very much @emily_s . I'll order the slim magnets. I wish they ask at the time of placing the original order.

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